


Are you preparing to look for the Study material for the BOI promotion exam 2024-2025? If yes, you are now exactly where you need to be.

Students who will be taking BOI exams for the Bank of India promotion exam 2024 should take the Learning Sessions BOI Study Material course. To achieve a better understanding of the fundamentals of all subjects and achieve greater marks on each question refer to Learning Sessions BOI study material courses and guidance.

To ace the written exam, candidates should select the right Study Material that includes all of the subjects and components listed in the curriculum. Candidates may also consult our website and YouTube channel which also contains solved question papers from prior Exams.

With the aid of our team, we have designed a Study Plan, Most Likely Asked Questions, and BOI Study Material covering the Latest Syllabus, Current Affairs, and Financial & Economic Updates. Our qualified professionals ensure your success in the exam.


The BOI Study Material Online has been carefully crafted by professors and professionals with years of experience and a proven track record of accomplishment. Our key objective is to increase conceptual understanding and knowledge in order to help students perform better on BOI exams and be selected. Both Hindi and English versions of the BOI Study Material are available online. Utilize the online BOI study material from learning sessions right away to enhance your performance on BOI exams. We are listing the major parts of the pattern and syllabus. Generally, time duration of the exams  is 150 minutes Particulars No of questions Max.Marks
1. General Banking, KYC, Legal Issue and System & Procedures in Banks 50 25
2. Bank associates’ and products & services, Other Banks, Alternate Channel Products, Financial Inclusion, Products & services of Bank subsidiaries and IT 30 15
3. CBS & Computer Awareness, Computer Security 20 15
4. Bank’s performance indicators, Financial results (Latest), Bank concerns related to productivity and profitability  10 5
5. General Awareness 10 15
6. Policy guidelines and structural/organisational guidelines of banks 10 10
7. Objective type Questions based on the  Practical issues found in general banking 10 20
Total 140 100



Banking law Latest Updates

Evolution Of Banking in India

Rbi Act 1934

Banking Regulation Act 1949

Features Of the Banking Regulation Act

Rbi And Its Power and Functions

Control Of Rbi Over Financial Companies

Union Budget

Banker Customer Relationship

Negotiable Instrument Act

Calculation Of Due Date

Negotiation And Endorsement, Crossing

Collection Of Cheques, Payment of Cheques

Different Kinds of Banks and Their Functions

Agency Service

Suspension And Winding Up

Audit Lending and Credit Policy

Right Of Lien, Set-Off, Appropriation

Safe Deposits of Articles & Lockers


Garnishee Order and Attachment Order

Operating Instructions in Joint Accounts

Individual, Joint, Huff, Minor

Trust, Partnership, Joint Stock Companies

Ombudsman, Know Your Customer (KYC)

Copra, Operations in Deceased A/Cs

Service Tax, Tds Provisions, Deposit Insurance

Monetary Limits, Deceased Customer

Senior Citizen’s Saving Scheme 2004

Electronic And Truncation Cheques, Govt.

Business, Rtgs/Neft

Priority sector, Loans and Advances Loans & Advances

Priority Sector-Target & Classification

Categories Of Priority Sector, Weaker Section

Collateral Security Norms

Govt. Sponsored Schemes, Sgsy, Srms, Sjsry, Nef

Rehabilitation Of Sick Units

Kyc, Lucc, General, Swarogzar Credit Card

Micro Finance, Cgtmse, Education Loan Scheme

Nef, Shg, Joint Liability Group

Rkby, Bank Loan to Mfi, Nabard Farmer Club Prog

Types Of Mortgages, Different Types of Charges

Charge On Securities, Limitation Act

Wilful Loan Defaulters, Sarfaesi, Lok Adalat, Drt

Balance Sheet

Ratio Analysis

Break Even Point (BEP)

Comparative Analysis of Financial Statements

Cash Flow & Funds Flow

Working Capital Management, Bank Guarantee

Npa Guidelines/Assets Classification

Bank Guarantee

Foreign exchange  Foreign Exchange Management Act (Fema)

Letter Of Credit /Ucpdc, Ucpdc-600

Types Of Letters of Credits

Forex Facilities for Residents

Non-Resident Indian (Nri) Accounts

Important Aspects of Forex

Exchange Control Relating to Exporters

Packing Credit, Gold Cards for Exporters, Imports

Disposal Of Forex Loan, App. Of Exchange Rates

Foreign Trade Policy (Nftp) 2004-09, Lrs

Fuller Capital A/C Convertibility, Forex Changes

Important concepts Important/Latest Concepts

Asset Liability Management, Arc

Adr, Gdr & Idr, Annual Information Returns, Bcsbi, Rti

Ratings For Banks, Base Rate, Car, Capital Fund

Important Risk Weights, Corporate Governance

Capital Market Exposi Certificate of Deposits

Cybil, Counterfeit Banknotes, Cp, Credit Rating

Derivatives, Declaration of Dividends by Banks

Fraud Reporting, Exposures in Banks’ Lending

Money Market Terminology, Market Valuation Ratios

Official Language, Public Provident Fund

Risk Management Basel-I/ Rbi Guidelines

Real Time Gross Settlement System (Rtgs)

Corporate Debt Restructuring

Sale & Purchase of Npa by Banks

Cdr-Sme, Loan to Directors, Neft

Interest Subvention on Housing Loans, Education

Loan Interest Subvention Insurance

Agriculture Interest Subvention, Budget 2013-14


Important Committee


The Learning Sessions BOI Promotion Online Live Classes were created and developed by subject matter experts. Having expert guidance and quality study materials is essential for preparing for their exams. Because of this, we have selected the best BOI study material in the form of actual BOI classes delivered by knowledgeable experts. The candidates’ ability to understand and comprehend all of the major topics and issues will be aided by our Online live classes and online coaching. The Learning Sessions BOI Promotion Study Material live workshops feature live interactive sessions and doubt-clearing sessions to boost applicants’ confidence and assess their learning levels. 

Study material 

Daily watch our Bank promotion free live classes at 8:30 Pm and ensure success in your exam. 

Our premium course is available at 82% off, apply code EXAMS and get the following:

  • Latest 2024 updates
  • Chapterwise videos
  • Chapterwise questions
  • Mock tests and Epdfs

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