CCP MOCK TEST:- As IIBF CCP exams are just around the corner, we hope that the aspirants of this exam have studied well & are on to their revisions!
Here, in this article, you will find some questions on the CCP Exam that you can solve and check out your level of preparedness. Try to solve these questions in the limited time frame described below:
We hope you will take this test seriously and will not look up the answers until you have marked the answers to all the questions by yourself. If you mark the answers beforehand then you will be able to remember the answers that you answered incorrectly. That’s one reason why mock tests are there to solve.
You can even download the mock test provided here in the pdf file given at the last of this article.
Try to solve the questions in 15 Minutes & only then check your answers!!
1 | Which of the given parameters are considered for the calculation of Expected Loss?
a) Default risk b) Loss severity c) Exposure at Default d) All of the above parameters |
2 | Which one of the given exposures is not excluded while estimating banks’ capital market exposure?
a) Promoter’s shares in the SPV of an infrastructure project pledged to the bank b) Exposure to Market makers & Stockbrokers c) Tier I & II debt instruments that are issued by the other banks d) Investment in Cash Deposits of other banks |
3 | Which of the following is 1st step in the process of stress testing?
a) Applying stress b) Impact analysis c) Probability analysis d) Visualize possible scenarios |
4 | Commercial appraisal refers to the study of whether __________.
a) The firm or entity is financially strong b) Products of the firm or entity has good demand & acceptance in the market c) The capacity utilization of the firm is very high d) None of the above |
5 | The function of a credit policy does not include the definition of_________.
a) Branch Expansion network b) Credit Culture Thrust areas c) Acceptable level of risk d) Objectives in relation to profit |
6 | Bank is at a disadvantage in verifying the end use of funds in which of the following facilities?
a) Purchase of bill b) Cash credit (CC) c) Letter of credit (LC) d) None of the above facilities |
7 | Which of the following statement concerning credit risk is incorrect?
a) Risk of loss that may occur in a bond portfolio due to changes in interest rates is a form of credit risk b) Credit risk arises because of events like corporate bankruptcy c) Credit risk is also called as Default risk d) Risk of non-payment by a party in a transaction of derivatives is also a form of credit risk |
8 | Which of the following is not a benefit of having ownership by the government of a bank?
a) In times of distress having Capital support b) High credibility in the eyes of depositors c) Directed lending d) Preference for getting govt. business |
9 | Pricing of loans should be related to which of the following?
a) Rate for Interbank borrowings b) reference rate of Reserve Bank of India c) Borrower’s Risk rating & credit quality d) None of the above options |
10 | As per “Master Circular of RBI – Exposure Norms”, the “Exposure” definition shall include which of the following options?
a) Credit exposure (funded & non-funded credit limits) b) Investment exposure (including underwriting & commitments of similar nature) c) Both a and b d) None of the above options |
11 | Which of the following factor is a credit negative from the perspective of the Bank’s rating?
a) Presence of a strong regulatory environment b) Presence of a strong legal system c) Uncertainty in the Political environment d) Having a strong economic environment |
12 | What does cash flow means in accounting parlance?
a) Net profit + Dividend paid out b) Net profit – Taxes c) Net profit + Non-Cash expenses d) None of the above |
13 | Which of the following scenario look at extremely low-probability events that are highly unlikely to occur but may, nevertheless could occur?
a) Bear Market b) Bull Market c) Base Market d) Stressed Market |
14 | Systematic risk refers to the level of risk at _____ that is difficult to predict, avoid or mitigate and that influences a large no. of assets.
a) Macro level b) Micro level c) Minor level d) Major level |
15 | Which of the following will be affected by a rise in the Non-Performing Assets of a bank?
a) Capital requirement b) Income recognition c) Provisioning norms d) None of the above options |
Important Topic:- CCP EXAM DATE 2023 – Certified Credit Professional
1 | d | 9 | c |
2 | b | 10 | c |
3 | d | 11 | c |
4 | b | 12 | c |
5 | a | 13 | d |
6 | b | 14 | a |
7 | a | 15 | d |
8 | c | – | – |
Important Topic:- IIBF CCP EXAM NOTIFICATION | Certified Credit Professional
Here is the link from where you can download the PDF file of the above Mock Test of CCP to solve offline.
There are also other 5 free mock tests available on IIBF CCP Exam on our website that you can attempt online. You will just need to sign up on our website to access them @iibf.info
Learning Sessions provide study material (in the form of Video lectures) on CCP as well. The video lectures are in a mix of English + Hindi Language. This study material on CCP has the following contents:
- Latest chapter-wise video course: It is in a mix of Hindi & English language
- Downloadable Videos for Offline watch
- Complete Mock Tests on the subject
- Updates on FB
May you do well in your exams!!
And we sincerely hope you get promoted into the Credit Department & become ‘Credit Officer’!
Read Also:- Certified Credit Professional Short Notes Part 2 – CCP Notes
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Mock tests has provide me the strenght and also i did gain confidence.
CCP latest mock tests help me so much for the preparation of my exam.