


In this article, it’s important to first know what HRD Audit is, its significance, and its characteristics. After knowing everything about HRD AUDIT, we are providing you with a free MOCK TEST 2022 to test your knowledge and practice accordingly. At the end of the article, you can see what services IIBF Learning Sessions provide in their Study Material. 

About CAIIB EXAM 2022

A popular course at IIBF is CAIIB (Certified Associate of India Institute of Bankers) (INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE). After clearing the JAIIB exam, which is a flagship course offered by the Indian Institute of Banking and Finance, candidates can take the Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers (CAIIB) test. The CAIIB this year is going to be held in NOVEMBER 2022 and aims to help people make better decisions by offering cutting-edge information in industries such as international banking, balance sheet management, credit management, risk management, and economic analysis.



HRD audit is the systematic validation of job analysis and design, hiring and selection, placement and direction, training and performance evaluation, and job evaluation of the organization’s HR. 

An important instrument for determining the efficacy of an organization’s HR activities and ensuring its competitiveness, HRD audits are helpful in achieving corporate goals. 

The following are some additional significant areas where HR audits are helpful:

  • HR auditing and documentation

The preservation of HR records, whether digitally or on paper, is crucial. Organizations may be subject to structures in terms of penalties and legal actions as a result of improper records leading to legal issues. A systematic HR audit can help discover and correct record-keeping deficiencies in HR and advise improved record-keeping practices. 

  • Employee-Relations Audit

These audits examine different facets of employee relations through well-structured surveys that map out how motivated, morale, and satisfied with their jobs employees perceive themselves to be, among other things. It is feasible to gain insight into what employees think about different policies and programs through an HR audit. These programs or schemes may include rewards, a benefit plan, etc. 

  • Legal Compliance

HR must adhere to a number of laws. Non-compliance can bring an organization into legal trouble and lead to strained employer-employee relations. An organization can benefit from focusing more on other strategic concerns by ensuring such compliance through systematic HR audits. 

HRD audit has three main characteristics: it is thorough, has connections, and is business-driven. 

  • Being thorough

The business plan and its corporate strategies must be taken into account by the audit team right away. The company’s intended position after a specific amount of time must be considered by the HRD auditor. These matters need to be brought up with the auditor by the highest management. The auditor must also look at the objective evidence, such as old documents. 

The auditor must then evaluate the skill set needed to carry out the new responsibilities as well as the current skill set of the HRD employees within the organization in connection to a variety of roles and job criteria.

  • Business-Driven

The HRD audit is driven by business and largely concentrates on achieving the goals. HRD audit assesses HRD strategy, structure, system, personnel, skills, and appropriateness in addition to accomplishing objectives. 

An HRD audit is not a way to solve issues. HRD audits don’t always offer solutions to issues with performance, discipline, or labor relations that are unique to a certain business. The sources of the issue are revealed, nevertheless, in certain ways. It never provides input regarding any particular individuals.

The auditor must then evaluate the skill set needed to carry out the new responsibilities as well as the current skill set of the HRD employees within the organization in connection to a variety of roles and job criteria. 

After that, an auditor should guarantee that the organization has acceptable levels of human competencies by confirming the efficiency of the current HRD systems in developing individuals. An audit of HRD looks for connections to other systems. To administer the company’s HRD functions, the HRD structure that is currently in place should be sufficient. A learning culture needs to be encouraged by top management and senior managerial approaches to managing people. 

  • Connections to Other Systems

In any firm, there is a connection between HR and other areas of responsibility like production management, maintenance management, overall quality management, personnel policy, strategic planning, etc. These connections between HRD and other systems are looked at during an audit. HRD auditors recommend future HRD initiatives that the organization will need based on the evaluation. 



Q) The branch manager at Arithvasta Bank is Ms. Anuradha. She makes it a point to personally deliver the deposit receipts to the well-known deposit consumers. Even the “Relationship Manager” hired for this exact purpose is not accepted by her. According to Ms. Anuradha, the staff of the younger age is incompetent for such jobs. What is the name of this post according to the “Theory of Life position” (adopted by Mr. Anuradha in reference to the “Relationship Manager”) that was proposed by Dr. Thomas Harris?

  1. I’m OK, you’re fine. 
  2. I’m fine, you’re not fine. 
  3. I’m not OK, and neither are you
  4. I’m not OK, and neither are you

Q) Which of the subsequent assertions is true?

(I) A nurturing parent’s ego condition is represented by a caring boss. 

(ii) A person’s personality is the culmination of all of their experiences,

(iii) We have an idea of who we are in our heads, and that idea is consistent with the way we act. 

  1. Only I and (ii) 
  2. Only I and (iii) 
  3. Only (ii) and (iii) 
  4. I (ii) & (iii) 

Q) Regarding defined benefit plans, which statement is accurate?

  1. Upon retirement, an employee will receive a lump sum payment. 
  2. If an employee passes away before receiving their retirement funds, their surviving family members will receive the benefits. 
  3. The employee may change jobs and take their retirement account with them. 
  4. The retirement benefits an employee receives are based on their age and length of service. 

Q) What is meant by border crossing?

  1. Because different departments compete to develop novel procedures, it leads to internal organizational conflict. 
  2. In order to foster creativity and synergy, boundary-crossing is concentrated on achieving internal organisational integration among various organisational roles & units. 
  3. It happens when businesses enter brand-new markets. 
  4. The dissolution of departmental boundaries undermines the organization’s integration. 

Q) During the maturity stage of an organization’s life cycle, a company. 

  1. provides a small number of employees with access to stock options
  2. offers a few short-term incentives to the staff. 
  3. provides a salary base that is equal to or less than the going rate
  4. makes use of its compensation plan to keep workers on board. 

Q) Why do some analysts think that the UK economy won’t transition to a knowledge economy any time soon?

  1. As a result of a lack of information technology education in its schools. 
  2. As a result of their low IQ in their culture. 
  3. Prior research and development spending by companies has been low. 
  4. As a result of its unions’ attempts to stop the spread of knowledge from the top level to the larger workforce at low levels. 

Q) Third-country nationals (TCNs) work as managers for “Jock & Leather,” a multinational corporation that produces leather goods. How does the company profit from using TCNs?

  1. Employing TCNs expands parent-company nationals’ (PCNs’) opportunities to gain international experience. 
  2. Because they typically receive or are paid lower salaries and benefits than PCNs. 
  3. Because TCNs are typically more cooperative with the company, the host countries welcome their hiring. 
  4. TCNs are satisfied (eager) to return to their home nations once they complete their tasks for the parent company, which helps the company complete its task more quickly. 

Q) Which of the following exercises is used in the assessment center workshops approach to evaluate an employee’s behavior in a job-related simulated situation?

(i) I group talks, psychometric testing,

(ii) Committee sessions, business competitions, and

(iii) workout with a basket 

  1. Only (i) 
  2. Only I and (ii) 
  3. Only (ii) and (iii) 
  4. I (ii) & (iii) 

Q) At Gitanjali Bank, Mr. Spandan is an excellent manager. He is one of the select few individuals whose MBA from an IIM was chosen by the senior management. He boasts that he has no patience for tardiness and is frequently spotted using two phones at once. He frequently also yells at staff members over trivial matters. Mr. Spandan is what kind of a person?

  1. An overachiever. 
  2. A personality type B
  3. The Type C personality
  4. A personality Type D

Q) Which of the following is the most pertinent criticism of the empowerment concept?

  1. the harmony between customers’ desires and their effectiveness. 
  2. There is scant support for any shift toward a workforce that is significantly more empowered. 
  3. Some employees’ excessive power. 
  4. the concept’s scant literature, research, or theoretical development. 



  1. B
  2. D
  3. D
  4. B
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. A
  10. B

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  • A comprehensive CAIIB video course (chapter-wise) 
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  • Frequently Asked Questions and Chapter-specific Questions
  • Chapter-by-Chapter Papers for Practice Exams for the CAIIB 2022 Tests
  • Competency assessments


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