


In this blog, we will go through different ways of E-learning as per the prescribed HRM Syllabus by IIBF for 2023.

As the IIBF will schedule the CAIIB Exams 2023 under NEW SYLLABUS for the first time near to the month of June & HRM (Human Resource Management), which is one of the elective papers of CAIIB is also a great opportunity for the bankers who want to work in the Human Resources in their banks.

Many of you might be writing or sitting for the HRM paper again and if that is the case with you, then you need to go and grab the HRM latest Classes for Certified Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers that have been made available by the Learning Sessions. These lectures will cover the whole Latest HRM Syllabus as prescribed & you will have better chance at passing the CAIIB exam this year!

So, here are the 2 ways, you can watch the HRM lectures online:

The lectures are delivered by the best & experienced faculty of Learning Sessions & you can also benefit from their coaching classes for your HRM paper.


Now, let move to our today’s topic: DEVELOPING COMPETENCIES THROUGH E-LEARNING | HRM 2023

But let’s talk about the concept of E-learning first.


It has a special nature because it is based on purely scientific foundations, such as the principles of educational techniques that are fundamentally based on self-learning, so that it provides learning that copes with the characteristics of each learner. 

This means: 

  • Individuality, self-reactivity, disciplined freedom; 
  • Performance characterized by competence and speed. 
  • This inevitably leads to achieving as many educational goals as possible.

E-learning can be through:


An effective way to convey information and knowledge to learners, the lecture is one of the most widely used teaching methods. Most educators agree that the purpose of lectures is to lay the groundwork as learners process the topic. By knowing their learners, faculty members develop their lectures according to the needs of their learners. 

Practical Guidelines for E-Learning Lecture Development: 

  1. Posting lecture notes and links to related resources and websites on a website for learners to view. 
  2. Presentation of lectures via audio or video over the Internet. 
  3. Break a long presentation into shorter parts if necessary, as short lectures provide enough information to serve as a basis for further reading, research or other learning activities. 


The goal of mentoring: 

To support the development of the learner by putting into form what he already knows. 

Acting more like a guide than a provider of knowledge, the mentor serves to introduce learners to a new world, explain it to them, and help them learn what they need to know to work in it. 

Mentors teach through interpreting the environment and modeling expected behavior, as well as supporting and providing insight to their learners. 

Weekly or even daily information and reports can be exchanged between faculty member and learner via e-mail or various social media, providing a continuous dialogue that fosters the development of the faculty-learner relationship and provides many opportunities for timely feedback on questions, concerns and learner problems.



Most adult learners prefer discussion as a learning strategy because: 

  • it is interactive and 
  • promotes participatory learning. 
  • encourages learners to analyze alternative ways of thinking and finding solutions 
  • allows explore their own experiences to become better critical thinkers.

The Internet provides several discussion modes including mailing lists, LMS discussion forums, and social media. This is asynchronous communication. 

Synchronous (real-time) communication includes web conferencing, chat rooms, or virtual reality text environments. 



Self-directed learning is learner-initiated learning. It can also be called independent or individual learning. 

Whatever term we use, self-directed learning places the responsibility for learning squarely on the learner. 

It is ultimately a self-directed process. Learners who take the initiative learn more and better than passive (interactive) learners. Proactive learners are the most efficient and tend to retain and use what they learn better and longer than interactive learners. 

An independent learner is more: 

  • engaged, 
  • motivated and 
  • active in learning. 

One can visit various libraries, museums and institutes around the world, talk to experts, access the latest research and read peer-reviewed journals online.



In small groups, learners discuss: 

  • content, 
  • share ideas,
  • solve problems. 
  • present & consider ideas which others have come up with. 

Thus, they see different perspectives on a certain topic. 

There are many strategies for small groups that encourage and provide opportunities for interaction, such as:

  1. Discussion group: Pupils are allowed to reflect on the discussed topic and express their opinion. 
  2. Direction-design: The focus in controlled design is on developing the learner’s decision-making skills and teaching specific concepts and principles. Participants work on open-ended problems that require work outside the classroom to gain information. This strategy encourages learners to think logically, communicate ideas, and apply steps in the decision-making process. 
  3. Role Play: The role-playing strategy is implemented by creating a situation related to a real-world problem in which participants assume different roles. This improves understanding of others’ attitudes and positions. In addition, there are also useful procedures for diagnosing and solving problems

Role-playing can be used to simulate real-world group work situations and can help learners understand a problem or situation.

  1. Projects: Online projects give learners the opportunity to pursue special interests, either individually or in groups. Projects also provide learners with hands-on experience and a sense of accomplishment.



Cooperative learning is a process where two or more learners work together to learn by creating small groups of participants with different abilities, using different learning activities to master a subject matter developed in advance by a faculty member or to build knowledge about objective questions. 

Each team member is responsible for: 

  • learning what they are learning and 
  • helping their colleagues learn. 

Cooperative learning can be more effective than face-to-face and individual competitive efforts in promoting cognitive development, self-esteem, and positive learner-to-learner relationships.



A case study that includes work components linked to future experience requires learners to use their experience. 

The key to a successful case study is: 

  • choosing an appropriate situation for the problem that is closely related to: 
    • the learners’ interests, 
    • experience level, and 
    • concepts being taught. 

The case report should include the facts about the problem, the environmental context, and the people interested in the case. 

A case study should be: 

  • realistic and 
  • include the opinions and perspectives of the people involved. 

Learners should be able to find a solution to a problem, not just mention their own conclusions. Later, they can compare their findings with the actual decision made to solve the problem.



For e-learning strategies to be effective when used by a faculty member, the following general principles should be considered:

    • The tools and resources of the e-learning systems are compatible and are chosen to fit the e-learning strategies rather than revolving around them.
    • Designing the e-course, units and content in a way that allows it to be circulated and used synchronously and asynchronously. 
    • Smart and effective use of high-quality multimedia presentation tools, which are the main and necessary part of e-learning.
  • The need to change the adopted e-learning strategy according to developments so that it does not have to be the same in all educational situations.

For more notes on CAIIB HRM for 2022 Exams, you can head to our website:



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All the Best for your Exams!

Team: Learning Sessions


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