


Are you looking for study material for the UBI promotion exam 2023 syllabus, pattern and study pattern? 

Perhaps, you will only find it here on the learning sessions website. UBI Promotions exams are conducted in order to promote the clerical staff to officer grade. Let’s take a look at the syllabus, pattern and study material that an aspirant needs to crack the exam. Right guidance is crucial in the preparation journey as it saves time, and provides the right direction to prevent your efforts from going in vain. Learning session is here to play their part in your preparation journey. You will easily find articles, video lectures, study notes, mega classes, mock tests, exam analysis and study material on our website. Rarely, you will find guidance or coaching for bank promotion and certification exams. We provide coaching related to bank promotion and certification exams. We have full-fledged courses and an experienced and enthusiastic team that is putting a lot of effort into providing you with the best study material.

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This exam will be conducted by IBPS online. Aspirants need to score 35% in each subject mentioned below:

Section Marks
English 100
Banking 100
CBS/IT 100
Commercial law and accounting 100
Total 400

Aspirants will have to score good marks in the written exam in order to crack the exam. Basically, they will have to concentrate on the written exam considerably. 


The generally included major topics are general banking, English, accounts, acts related to banking, and computer and IT knowledge.

General banking will include topics like Prevention of money laundering, KYC, Basel norms, government schemes, digital banking, types of customers, types of banks, priority sector lending, loans and advances, forex, rbi and its power, recovery tools, money market and capital market, Securities etc.

The legal part will include topics like the RBI Acts of 1934, 1949 Banking regulation act, Indian contract act, surfaces act 2022, PML act, companies act, Banking instrument act, Lok adalats, DRT & DRAT act, PML act, Banking ombudsman schemes, Contact of bailment, Contract of pledge and agency, Indian Stamp Act, Indian Company Law, Registration Act, Limitation Act with specific reference to debt acknowledgement and confirmation, partial payments, deadlines for bringing money recovery lawsuits, and redemption, foreclosure, and sale of mortgaged properties. Contract of Indemnity, negotiable instrument act, Contract of guarantee, BG & DPG etc, Provisions of NI Act, what are Negotiable Instruments and their characteristics, Payment and collection of cheques and protection to the Banker under NI Act, provisions of 4, 5, 6, 10, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 31, 45, 47, 48, 49, 64, 84, 85, 87, 118, 123 to 131 and 138 to 142 of the Acts.

In CBS/IT An aspirant must have knowledge of the Internet, Keyboard Shortcuts, Office, Computer Software, Networking, Basic Logic Gates, Memory, Computer AbbrMicrosoft deviation, Computer Hardware, Operating Systems, Computer Fundamentals/ Terminologies, Number Systems, computer peripherals: input device and output device, operating system: layered structure of the operating system, functions, types and terms related to it, software and application system, low and high level of language and object-oriented programming, database management system, DBMS, Microsoft office, File extension, computer network, Memory Storage Units, Logic Gates, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, network architecture, OSI model.

Technology-related bank applications: Debit (ATM card), Credit Card, Internet Banking, SMS Banking, Prepaid Cards,  ATM and Mobile Banking

Financial and Banking awareness comprises topics like the History and organisational structure of your bank, the Latest RBI circulars, Basic accounting, accounting terms, analysis of financial statements, Bill of exchange, analysis of financial statements, Microeconomics and macroeconomics, economy, conventions and principles of accounting, Internal schemes like recurring, saving and loans etc, Bank reconciliation statements etc. 

The English section will comprise topics like nouns, verbs, a basic understanding of English grammar rules and language, adverbs, prepositions, Comprehension, Phrases, direct and indirect speech etc.

Commercial banking questions can be framed from the topics like general awareness of the law of contract Quasi Contract, Effect of Void & Voidable Contract, Appropriation of Payments – Clayton’s Rule, Breach of Contract, Formation of Contract, Essentials of Valid Contract, Rights a Liabilities of Joint Promisors & Joint Promises etc.

Then the accountancy written exam may ask you to pen down on cash books and petty cash books, accounts and process of posting accounts, bank statements like bank reconciliation statements, journals related to sales and purchase of commodity and imprest system of petty cash books, Changing, Closing, Transferring, and Rectifying Entries,Adjustments for bad debts, Doubtful debt provisions and debtor or creditor discounts,depreciation techniques, Creating balance sheets, accounts for income and expenses, and receipts and payments, trial balance, profit and loss account, balance sheet, reserves, and sinking funds, Self-balancing Ledgers, Bills of Exchange & the treatment,JV accounts, current investments, and share transactions on consignment, Fixed and fluctuating capitals, current and drawing accounts, interest on capital, drawings, salaries, commissions, revaluation of assets, handling of goodwill and admission, retirement, partner deaths, and firm dissolution are some of the other terms you may encounter. However, it does not include Garner v. Murray, sales to limited companies, mergers of firms, final accounts, reserves, and provisions, among other things, knowledge of Schedule VI of the Company Act, 1956, Shares and debt obligations, Forfeiture of Shares and then Re-issue of forfeited share, Issue of Bonus shares, Reserves a Provisions, Sinking a Reserve Funds etc

Practical knowledge of banking, deposits and bank operations is required to be well-known and understood by an aspirant which might include topics like how the cash department functions. Exchange of mutilated notes and its process of being carried out, Clearing & National Clearing, Cash management and managing profitability, Goiporia Committee Recommendations, Different Measures of Customer Services that are implemented in Ubi exam promotion, Consumer Protection Law, Marketing of Bank’s Services, Dispatch Department and Ombudsman Scheme, income recognition norms and banking industry trends, Narasimhan committee and its important recommendations, Vouchers, Ledger of Subsidy, Profit & Loss Statement, Inter-Branch Accounting System, Authority Cheques, Day Books, Inter-Branch and Inter-Bank and C.O. Reconciliation etc.


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