


MSME MOCK TEST:- As there is almost no time left for the MSME, we hope that the candidates who are preparing for this IIBF Exam are done with their revisions and are looking for content that could further their preparations!

If you are still preparing for the MSME exams and need material from where you can quickly revise the topics of MSME or do the last-minute revision then you must check out the MSME Question Bank that is available on our website. You can check it out by hitting this link. (Check out the ‘Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Questions’ in the BuyPro Section)

Note: To know the 2024 MSME Exam & Registration dates check this article out.


Learning Sessions always attempts to ensure that whoever comes looking for any material or content on MSME Exam or any other IIBF exam, receives the best & right material so that they can prepare well.

As there remains not enough time in the hands of the bankers who are preparing for the MSME attempt we recommend that you solve the Mock Test given below.

Take this test as seriously as you would take your final. That will help you in keeping your focus & will prepare you for the final. You will know how to manage your time on the exam date and what more things you can do to mentally prepare yourself.

And know this fact the answers that you attempt on your own (without checking out the answers beforehand) chances are you will remember them longer than otherwise whether the answers were correct or not. 


Solve it within 15 Minutes & then, check the correct answers from the answer key provided at the last of this article!!


1 Which of the following options refers to the term Quasi Equity?

a) Unsecured loans from friends & relatives

b) Unpaid share capital

c) Capital reserve

d) All of the above items

2 Which of the following Scheme is implemented through Coir Board?

a) Guidelines of the Scheme for International Cooperation 

b) Marketing Assistance Scheme

c) Rejuvenation, Modernization & Technology Upgradation of the Coir Industry

d) Workshed Scheme for Khadi Artisans

3 If NPV > 0, it means what of the following?

a) the investment would reduce the value of the firm

b) the investment would increase the value of the firm

c) the investment would neither increase nor decrease the value of the firm

d) None of the above options

4 What does the “RR” in the “RR-TUFS” scheme stand for?

a) Revised & Renovated

b) Reorganized & Restructured

c) Revised & Restructured

d) Revised & reorganized

5 Where the payment is required to be made on the maturity date calculated on/after in terms of the credit is known by what of the given terms?

a) Confirmed

b) Transferable

c) Acceptance

d) Revolving

6 What are those items which are indicated by way of a footnote in the balance sheet because they are not yet prima facie crystallized liabilities affecting the overall liability position of the entity?

a) Tangible Liabilities

b) Long-term Liabilities

c) Current Liabilities

d) Contingent Liabilities

7 What is correct for Securitization from the following statements?

a) Pooling of financial assets for forming/converting into a scrip for sale in a financial market

b) Pooling of loans of a single borrower

c) Converting loans into the bank’s capital

d) Arranging for the repayment of dues

8 Which category of Women Entrepreneurs was established in big cities and which is having a higher level of technical & Professional qualifications?

a) 1st Category

b) 2nd Category

c) 3rd Category

d) 4th Category

9 Which of the following item also exist on a global scale as national policies regarding MSMEs that sometimes contradict as well as cancel each other?

a) Aspects of Regulatory Nature

b) Effect of Innovation

c) Sectoral Developments

d) Systemic Failures

10 Within priority sector loans, the loans to micro-enterprises, should be at least what % of ANBC or CEOBE (whichever is higher) for domestic banks and foreign banks with 20 or more branches?

a) 20% of ANBC or CEOBE

b) 15.5 % of ANBC or CEOBE

c) 30% of ANBC or CEOBE 

d) 7.5 % of ANBC or CEOBE 

11 Which of the following entity was created to facilitate technical consultancy for industrial projects and which was established by the All India Financial Institutions (AIFIs) in collaboration with the state-level financial organizations?

a) Housing & Urban Development Corporation Ltd. (i.e HUDCO)

b) Institute for the Design of Electrical Measuring Instruments

c) Khadi & Village Industries Commission

d) TCO: Technical Consultancy Organization 

12 Which one of the following steps is not involved in the launching of a Cluster Development Project?

a) Identification of Cluster

b) Building the Capacity

c) Creation of Cluster

d) Formulation of Final Selection

13 To undertake training, research & consultancy activities in the small and micro enterprises (SMEs) that focus on entrepreneurship development, which of the given entity was established in 1993 in Guwahati by the erstwhile Ministry of Industry (Now Ministry of Commerce and Industry), Government of India as an autonomous national institute?

a) NI-MSME: National Institute of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises

b) IIE: Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship

c) NIESBUD: National Institute for Entrepreneurship & Small Business Development

d) Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries

14 SEFCs (Small Enterprises Financial Centres) formed for Cluster financing are a joint collaboration of which of the following entities?

a) Banks & Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

b) Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises & Private Lenders

c) SIDBI & Public Sector Banks

d) Small Industries Development Bank of India & Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

15 OTS (one-time settlement) scheme refers to what of the following?

a) Sanctioning of ad-hoc limits to the Sick Units

b) Settlement of all dues outstanding as on a specified date that was agreed to between the Bank & the Borrower

c) Sanction of rehabilitation packages

d) Consortium lending of banks to the sick unit(s)

Important Topic:- IIBF MSME STUDY MATERIAL 2024-2025

1 a 9 d
2 c 10 d
3 b 11 d
4 c 12 b
5 c 13 b
6 d 14 c
7 a 15 b
8 a


You can download the PDF file of the above given Mock Test on MSME by hitting here.

You can find other mock tests that are available on IIBF MSME Exam on our website & you can even attempt them online. There are a total of 5 Free Mock Tests you can attempt when you sign up at


You can also prepare for the MSME Exam from the study material (Video lectures) that is prepared by Learning Sessions. This study material on MSME is available in a mix of English + Hindi Language and will have the following contents:

The Study Material on IIBF’s MSME will be having the following contents in the full course study material: 

  • Full Course Videos on MSME
  • The Latest prescribed Syllabus of MSME by IIBF
  • Detailed Concepts on MSME
  • Questions
  • Memory Recalled Questions
  • Notes (Epdfs notes) that will be accessible through the Learning Sessions Android app only.

Thanks and all the very best for your exams & may you get successful & get where you want to go in your career!!

Also Like:

  1. Study material, mock tests and previous year questions of msme did helps me so much for the preparation of my exams.


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