


Today we will tell you about CAIIB RESULT NOV / DEC 2024, how and where to check your IIBF CAIIB NOV / DEC Exams 2024, CAIIB Result Card for NOV / DEC Exams 2024.

Candidates can take the Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers (CAIIB) EXAM after passing the JAIIB exam, which is another flagship course given by the Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF). The CAIIB’s goal is to provide advanced data in areas like Treasury Management, Risk Management, Balance Sheet Management, Credit Management, International Banking, and Economic Analysis to assist individuals to make better decisions.

The CAIIB is one of the most difficult exams to pass for bankers. If you apply our “CAIIB study material,” we guarantee that you will pass the CAIIB exam. The CAIIB exam is held every two years. Candidates must have completed the JAIIB before taking the CAIIB Exam.


If you want to do well in your exam, you must first learn everything there is to know about CAIIB EXAM 2024, including the exam structure, passing criteria, and marking scheme. The Indian Institute of Banking and Finance provides the CAIIB test format (IIBF). The highlights of the CAIIB Exam 2024 are as follows:

  • On November 27th, December 4th, and December 10th, 2024, the CAIIB Exam will be held. 
  • Only an online version of the CAIIB Exam 2024 will be available.
  • The CAIIB Exam 2024 is divided into three sections: two mandatory exams (Advanced Bank Management and Bank Financial Management) and one elective paper of the candidate’s choice.
  • The candidate must specify the optional subject during the application procedure.
  • Each subject of the CAIIB test has 100 multiple choice questions, including questions based on case studies / caselets. The Institution, on the other hand, has the authority to adjust the number of questions.
  • Each paper has a 2-hour or 120-minutes time constraint.


The CAIIB Test 2024 Marking Scheme:

  • There is no negative marking scheme in the exam framework.
  • Candidates will receive one point for each correct answer.
  • Candidates must score at least 50 points out of a potential 100 on each paper.
  • Those who receive at least 45 points in each topic and a 50 percent total score in all subjects in a single try will be deemed exam winners.
  • Until the CAIIB exam time limit expires, candidates can preserve the credits for the subjects they pass in a single attempt.

About the CAIIB results-

Once the tests are completed, the Indian Institute of Banking & Finance (IIBF) will issue the CAIIB results in 2024 (NOV cycle). CAIIB Candidates will be able to view the CAIIB Exam result 2024 on the organization’s official website. The CAIIB exams are held twice a year, in June and December. Along with the CAIIB result, the test itself will reveal the marks of the candidates when CAIIB candidates submit the test on their screen. Although the final result are separately declared by the IIBF for the candidates & the candidates will need their login credentials to verify the CAIIB release.

  • Candidates must double-check all details on the CAIIB result, including their registration number, marks cored, total score, and other personal information.
  • Along with the CAIIB result, the Board also issues the Pass/Fail Results.

How do I get my CAIIB 2024 result?

Continue reading to learn how to get the CAIIB results and what information you should look for. In the below paras, you will get a detailed version of how to download your result.

The CAIIB result will be posted on the Indian Institute of Banking and Finance website in the near future by the recruitment board. To obtain the result, candidates should follow the instructions below:

Step 1: The first step is to go to the institute’s official website.

Step 2: Go to the main page and look for the Exam/Course option. Select the choice and then click it.

Step 3: Finally, choose the Result/Consolidated Marksheet option. On the screen, a new page with several links will display.

Step 4: Next, look for the link “CAIIB/CAIIB Elective NOV / DEC 2024 Exam Result.” And then click it.

Step 5: A new window will appear on the screen, prompting you to enter your login details. To download the result, fill in the required information.

In the CAIIB Result, look for the following information.

Candidates must carefully check all details after downloading the CAIIB result 2024 (June / NOV/DEC cycle). Candidates must contact the CAIIB officials promptly if they discover any inconsistencies in their results. Candidates should double-check the following information:

  • The candidate’s personal information can be seen in the first section of the result page. Make sure the name, guardian, and date of birth are all spelled correctly and there should be no discrepancy with those details. If you find any discrepancy then he or she must contact the officials.
  • Candidate’s registration number/roll number: Applicants should double-check their registration number/roll number on the merit list with the one given on their admit card. And whether or not they are chosen for the interview stage.
  • Total points earned: In the CAIIB result, look at your overall score and compare it to your estimated score which you might have calculated after the exam when the answer key was released. 
  • PASS/FAIL: The candidates will receive their score card, through which they will know whether they candidate have qualified for the CAIIB exam or not.

How to Calculate CAIIB Exam Marks

Candidates must know how to calculate the marks in order to check the CAIIB result 2024. They’ll need a copy of their answer sheet as well as the CAIIB answer key. The following are the measures to take:

Step 1: First, compare the answer sheet to the CAIIB answer key that you downloaded.

Step 2: For each correct answer, add one mark.

Step 3: Do not subtract points for incorrect answers. According to the CAIIB Exam Pattern rules, there are no negative markings on the CAIIB exam paper.

Step 4: Finally, add up all of your marks to get a rough estimate of your final grade.


2024 CAIIB Cut-Off Marks

Along with the CAIIB Result 2024, the Cut Off will be revealed. To be considered as Pass, the CAIIB candidates must have a score equal to or higher than the 150 in total. IIBF has defined the Cut Off marks in its Rules & Syllabus pdf file, available at the official website of IIBF. 

The following are some of the factors on which the Cut-off for CAIIB 2024 will depend-

  • The number of people who apply for a test has a direct impact on the no. of candidates that will get passed. The greater the number of CAIIB candidates, the greater the competition for CAIIB and, as a result, lesser the chances of getting passed.
  •  The number of vacancies: Every year, when the exam is held, the number of positions for which recruitment is done also changes. This has an impact on the cut-off that is released in that year for every bank. When there are fewer openings, the competition becomes tougher, which has a cascading impact on the cut-off, finally increasing the percentage marks required.
  • The exam’s difficulty: The more challenging the recruiting exam is, the more likely applicants’ performance will be impacted. When combined with the other elements in the list, this has an impact on the cut-off.

2024 CAIIB Merit List

The Indian Institute of Banking and Finance will publish the result on the official website. Candidates who meet all of the CAIIB Eligibility Criteria & score at or above the cut-off will be considered to have passed the CAIIB Exam 2024. The minimum marks are determined by IIBF before the exams gets conducted. 


Frequently asked questions-

  • Where can I get the CAIIB results?

The CAIIB’s officials published the results on its website.

The CAIIB Result can be seen at

  • On what basis will the CAIIB Result 2024 be released?

The CAIIB Result 2024 will be based on the Minimum Required Marks, the Number of Candidates Who Appeared for the Exam, and the Difficulty of the Exam.

  • Who is in charge of the CAIIB exam?

The examination will be conducted by the Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF).

  • Is it possible to get the CAIIB results for the NOV / DEC cycle right now?

No, once the examinations are completed, the results will be available. With their login credentials, candidates can access the results.

  • Is it necessary for me to print my CAIIB result?

No, the CAIIB result does not need to be printed. However, you can save it for future reference.

  • Where can I get the CAIIB result 2024 download link?

Candidates can get the link on the official website’s Result/ Consolidated Marksheet page.

We hope this article was informative and helpful to you. We tried our best to deliver as many details about the results as we could. All the best for your results.



To get offers on the CAIIB or other IIBF Certification Exams, you can talk to us on our Whatsapp No.: 8360944207

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All the Best for your Exams!

Team: Learning Sessions

Also Like:

  1. I got the update related to CAIIB 2022 result from learning session. And i also inform you that i cleared my caiib exam with the help of your study material and video lectures. Thanku so much sir…..


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