


CCP SYLLABUS 2024:- IIBF has started with the CCP registrations last April for the May Exams. Its application process started in 28 April 2024 for 2024 May Exams. IIBF has announced the same on its official website. So, if you plan to register for the upcoming attempt and have chosen CERTIFIED CREDIT PROFESSIONAL then you must go through the Study Material for the CERTIFIED CREDIT PROFESSIONAL that has been prepared by Learning Sessions.


PAPER CERTIFIED CREDIT PROFESSIONAL subject has a total of 5 modules: 
  1. Introduction & Overview of Credit
  2. Analysis Of Financial Statements
  3. Working Capital Management
  4. Other Credits
  5. Monitoring, Supervision & Follow Up and Management Of Impaired Assets



MODULE – A: Introduction & Overview of Credit

Principles of Lending:

This unit contains concepts related to lending principles like Safety, Profitability, Liquidity, Purpose of Loan, Model Credit Policy, Diversification of Risk etc.

Types of Borrowers:

The kind of Individuals whether Major or Minor and persons other than individuals such as Married Women, Pardhanashin Women, Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), Proprietorship Firms, Partnership Firms, Statutory Companies, Limited companies, Illiterate Persons, Agent, Attorney, Joint Borrowers, Holding & Subsidiary Companies, Government Companies, Private & Pubic Limited Companies, Registration of charges, Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) are discussed in this unit.


Types of Credit Facilities:

Various Types of Credit Facilities such as Cash Credit (CC), Overdrafts-ODs, Demand Loan-DL, Bills Finance i.e Drawee Bill Scheme, Bills Discounting etc are covered here in the unit.

Credit Delivery:

This unit explains the credit services that get delivered through different types of Facilities, Modes of Delivery, Sole Banking Arrangement, Multiple Banking Arrangement, Consortium Lending, Credit Priorities, Syndication & Credit Thrust, Credit Acquisitions, Statutory & other Regulatory restrictions on Advances etc.

Read Also:- CCP Previous Year Question Papers PDF Free Download

Credit Appraisal:

The concepts related to appraisal of credit are discussed in the unit such as Validation of proposal, Dimensions of Credit Appraisals, 6 “C” s of Credit, Structuring of Loan documents, Credit Risk, Credit Risk Rating, Purpose of Loan, Credit Worthiness of Borrower, Collateral securities, Cash Flow, Sources of Repayment etc.

Credit Rating:

How the risk is measured, Objective of Credit Rating, Internal & External Rating, Methodology of Rating, Internal & External Comparison, Model Rating Formats & Model Credit Rating are placed in this unit.

MODULE – B: Analysis of Financial Statements

Analysis of Financial Statements:

In this unit, we will read about the Balance Sheet & Banker, Classification of Assets & Liabilities. Assets such as Current Assets, Non-current Assets (Fixed), Intangible & Fictitious Assets and Liabilities such as Current Liabilities, Medium & Long Term Liabilities, Capital & Reserves and analysis of Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account, various Ratios for analysis, their classification, their types such as Liquidity Ratios, Leverage Ratios, Profitability Ratios, Activity Ratios, other important Ratios, Interpretation of important Financial Ratios, their uses, Fund Flow Statements, Preparation of Fund Flow and Cash Flow Statements, Illustrations related to them etc.

Important Topic:- IIBF CCP EXAM NOTIFICATION 2024-2025 | Certified Credit Professional

Project/ Term Loan Appraisal:

This unit makes us go through the kinds of Appraisals there are, for example, Technical Appraisal, Commercial or Market Appraisal, Managerial Appraisal, Environmental Appraisal, Economic Appraisal, Project Cost & Means of Finance, Financial Appraisal, Cost of Production & Profitability, Sensitivity Analysis, Break-even Analysis, Capital Budgeting concepts such as Pay-Back Period Methods, Time Value of Money, Internal Rate of Return (IIR), Net Present Value (NPV), Life of the Project etc. are covered in this unit.


MODULE – C: Working Capital Management

Working Capital Assessment:

Concepts of Working Capital (WC) such as Gross Working Capital (GWC), Net Working Capital (NWC), Working Capital Gap, Components of WC, Sources of WC, Operating or Working Cycle of working capital, Computation of storage or Retention Period, Various Methods for the Assessment of Working Capital, Computation of WC using Turnover Method, Cash Budget System, MPBF Method, Working Capital Finance to IT. & Software Industry, Impact of having inadequate Working Capital in the company, Loan Delivery System, Illustrations, Commercial Paper, Cash Flow Analysis, Credit Delivery, Analysis of CMA data.

Quasi Credit Facilities:

The advantages of Non-Fund Facilities, different types of NFB Facilities and Letter of Credits (LCs), Assessment of LC limits, Bills Purchase or Discounting under LC etc. are some of the facilities that can be read under this unit.

Various types of Bank Guarantees:

Guarantees like Performance Guarantees, Deferred Payment Guarantees, Financial Guarantees, Performance & Financial Guarantees, Assessment of limits for guarantees, Period of Claim under Guarantees are defined here.

Co-acceptance Facilities:

Reserve Bank of India Guidelines & Co-acceptance of Bills covering supply of Goods & Machinery are some of the topics covered in this unit.

MODULE – D: Other Credits

Export Finance: 

Pre-Shipment Finance & Export Packing Credit in Rupees, Facility of Running Account, Deemed Exports, Pre-shipment credit to specific sectors such as Sub-Suppliers, Export credit to Processors or exporters- Agri Export Zones, Construction Contractors, Export Credit Insurance Whole Turnover Packing Credit, Pre-Shipment Credit in Foreign Currency (PCFC), Running Account Facility (in all currencies), Negotiation of Export Bills, Export on Consignment basis, Advance against Duty Draw Back Entitlements, ECGC Whole Turnover Post-Shipment Guarantee Scheme, Diamond Dollar a/c Scheme, Post-Shipment Rupee Export Finance, Purchase and Discount of Export Bills, Interest Rate of Rupee, Export Credit, ECNOS, Post-Shipment Finance in Foreign Currency, Gold Card Scheme for Exporters, Rupee Export Credit Interest Rate Subvention, Crystallisation of Export Bills etc form part of this unit.

Retail Loans:

The nature of Retail Loans, advantages of retail loans, difference between Retail Banking & Corporate Banking, Products under Retail Banking, Model Retail Banking Products such as Home Loans, Vehicle Loan, Pensioner Loan Scheme, Personal Loan, Property Loan, Gold Loan Scheme, Holiday Loan Scheme, Education Loan, etc., as well as guidelines on CERSAI registration are described in this section.

Important Topic:- IIBF CCP Short Notes – Part 1 | CCP – Certified Credit Professional

Priority Sector Lending/ Government Sponsored Schemes:

Various Categories of Priority Sector borrowers such as Agriculture (Direct & Indirect) Finance, MSME Finance (Direct & Indirect), Micro Credits, Government Sponsored Schemes, for example, Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY), SRMS, Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY), Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY), Education Loans, Housing Finance, Export Credits, Priority Sector Targets, Differential Rate of Interest Scheme etc. are defined.

MODULE – E: Monitoring, Supervision & Follow Up and Management Of Impaired Assets


All about the documentation, Importance of documentation, Types of documentation, Requisites for documentation, Selection of documents, their Stamping, Mode and time of Stamping, Remedy for un-stamped or under-stamped documents, Documents for which registration is compulsory, Consequence of non-registration, Time limit of registration, Execution, Mode of Execution, Period of Limitation, Law of Limitation to Guarantor, Extension of period of limitation, Enforcement of documents, Death of Borrower/ Guarantor etc can be seen under this section.

Types of Charges:

This unit explains the purpose of charge, Various types, their modes, Types of Security, Lien, Negative Lien, Set Off, Pledge, Right of Banker as a Pledgee, Assignment, Duties as a Pledgee, Hypothecation, Mortgage, different types of mortgages, Difference b/w Simple & Equitable Mortgage.

Credit Monitoring, Supervision & Follow Up:

Meaning of Credit Monitoring, its Goals, Process, Different Tools, Check-list for the same, monitoring by using various statements, QIS Formats and guidelines on it, Supervision & Follow Up etc. are to be covered in this unit.

Management of Impaired Assets:

This unit introduces the concepts like Credit Monitoring, Non-Performing Assets,  Policy on NPA Management, definitions of Sick Units, Policy on Income Recognition, Assets Classification, Guidelines on Asset Classification, Projects under implementation, Project Loans under Infrastructure & Non-Infrastructure Sectors, under Commercial Real Estate Sector, Income Recognition, take out Finance, Provisioning Coverage Ratio (PCR), Provisioning Norms for NPA, Options available to banks in Stressed Assets, and Prudential Guidelines on Restructuring, Eligibility criteria for restructuring, Asset Classification Norms for Restructured Assets, various Committee’s recommendation such as Mahapatra Committee Recommendations, Revised Prudential Guidelines on Restructuring of Advances, General Provision on Restructured Standard Accounts, Up-gradation of Restructured Accounts, Viability Parameters, Rehabilitation, Viability Period, Incentives for Quick implementation of Restructuring Package, CDR Structure & Operations, Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) Mechanism, New RBI Framework for Distressed Assets, Wilful Defaulters, Compromise, Penal Measures, Pre & Post – filing precautions, Type of Decrees, Modes of Execution of Decree, Legal Action, Lok Adalats, Civil litigation, Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT), SARFAESI, Write Off etc.

Fair Practices:

The unit talks about the applicability of the concept of Fair Practices, practices that can be adopted, Processing of Loan, Assessment of Loan, Disbursement & Administration of Loans, Grievance Redress Mechanisms, Recall or Repayment of Loan are what could be seen under this section.



Leaning Sessions has prepared IIBF Study Material on CERTIFIED CREDIT PROFESSIONAL that is available in Hindi mix English Language. You can avail the CCP material through our website or from our android app. CERTIFIED CREDIT PROFESSIONAL Study Material by Learning Sessions contains the following contents:

  • Chapter-wise or Topic-wise 
  • Hindi Mix English Bilingual Videos
  • Case Studies (Latest & Updated)
  • ePDF Notes (accessible on Learning Sessions Android app)


For the IIBF CCP EXAM 2024, we have also included the previous year’s papers of CERTIFIED CREDIT PROFESSIONAL in our LATEST STUDY MATERIAL for 2024 Exams.


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