
JAIIB 2024 Module wise Syllabus | JAIIB NEW SUBJECT | JAIIB IE&IFS 

JAIIB 2024 Module wise Syllabus | JAIIB IE&IFS 

Revision in JAIIB 2024 syllabus and pattern brought the introduction of a new subject which is the Indian economy & Indian financial system. 

IE & IFS remains unknown to aspirants as its newly added but it has common topics with Advanced bank management, Principles, and practices of banking Legal & Regulatory Aspects of Banking.

Since IIBF has released the notification of the availability of books of JAIIB 2024 aspirants can start a productive preparation for the exam.

Let’s decode the syllabus of the Indian economy and the Indian financial system’s first module.

Comprehensively detailed Jaiib syllabus of Module A

Module A talks about the Indian economic architecture which broadly covers the overview of the Indian economy, Sectors of the Indian economy, economic planning in India, NITI aayog, Role of priority sector and MSME in the Indian economy, Infrastructure including social infrastructure, Globalisation: Impact on India, Economic reforms, Foreign trade policy, Foreign investments, and Economic Development, International economic organization, Climate change, Sustainable Development Goals and Issues facing the Indian economy.

While an overview of the Indian economy includes the following topics:

Evolution of the Indian economy in terms of GDP and PPP.

Basic characteristics of the Indian economy and factors influencing it

  • Low per-capital income
  • Rapid population growth 
  • A high rate of employment, underemployment, and disguised unemployment
  • Reliance on the primary sector 

The economy of India under British rule

The economy of India till 2008 & afterward 2008

Key years

  • 1951-80
  • 1980-90
  • 1992-2008
  • 2008-21

Structural variations in the Indian economy 

  • Post pandemic (Covid 19)
  • Sectoral influence of Pandemic (Covid 19)
  • Sector-wise recovery pattern
  • Economic Recovery Dynamism Post COVID

The other major topic is the Sector of the Indian economy which covers the following subtopics

Role/Importance of Primary, Secondary, tertiary, quaternary, and quinary sectors in the Indian economy

Key differences b/w these sectors

Revolutions in the Primary sector

The GDP contribution of different sectors 




The employment growth rate in the Secondary sector 

Sunrise sector of the Indian economy 

Organized/Unorganised sectors

Another important topic of module A is Economic planning in India & NITI aayog which covers the following major topics:  

Economic planning: Definition and types 

Types of economic planning

  • Regional
  • National 

Key objectives of economic planning

  • Growth in the Economy
  • Reduce poverty 
  • Employment generation
  • Reducing social inequalities by bringing social justice 
  • Build a self-reliant economy 
  • Modernization

History of economic planning in India

  • First plan: 1951-56
  • Second plan: 1956-61
  • Third plan: 1961-65
  • Three annual plans: 1966-69
  • Fourth plan: 1969-74
  • Fifth plan: 1974-79
  • Sixth plan: 1980-85
  • Seventh plan: 1985-90
  • Two annual plans 
  • Eighth plan: 1992-97
  • Ninth plan: 1997-2002
  • Tenth plan: 2002-07
  • Eleventh plan: Inclusive growth 
  • Twelfth plan: 2012-17

Five-year plans

  • Objectives and Assessments of each plan

Performance of five-year plan

NITI (National institution for transforming India) Aayog 

  • Functions
  • Planning commission not tuning with the new development strategy 
  • Promotion accountability 
  • Fiscal federalism and Inter-Governmental coordination
  • Promoting innovation

NITI Aayog for new India @75

  • Driving factors 
  • Infrastructure 
  • Inclusion 
  • Governance 

Financial resources for economic plans 

  • Domestic budgetary sources 
  • Deficit Financing 
  • Foreign assistance 

Moving toward the Role of the priority sector and MSME in the Indian economy we must be covering below mentioned:

Role of priority sector and Micro Small and Medium Enterprises in the Indian economy 

Role of priority sector 

Number of priority sectors identified in India

  • Agriculture 
  • Export credit 
  • Weaker sections
  • Social infrastructure 
  • Education
  • MSMEs
  • Housing
  • Social Infrastructure 
  • Others

Norms in priority sector lending 


  • New & Old Definitions of Micro small and medium enterprises 
  • Role and Importance of MSME in the development of economy 
  • Present status of MSME in India 
  • Contribution to GDP 
  • Share of GVA (gross value added) in all of India’s GDP 
  • Bank credit to this sector 
  • Employment generation
  • Import Export and Trade 
  • Objectives achieved 
  • Contribution to domestic production
  • Significant earnings from export 
  • Requirement of low investment
  • Operational flexibility 
  • Location-wise mobility 
  • Lesser intensive imports 
  • Capability of developing or building indigenous technology or product 
  •  Substitution of many kinds of imports
  • Contribution to the defence production
  • Technology-intended industries 
  • Inducing positive competitiveness in the domestic and export market 

Government initiatives introduced for MSME

  • Atmanirbhar Bharat package 
  • Make in India 
  • Startup India 
  • Stand up India 
  • ECLGS (Emergency line guarantee scheme)
  • CGTMSE (Credit guarantee fund trust for micro & small enterprises 
  • ISEC (Interest subsidy eligibility certificate)
  • Production-linked incentive (PLI)
  • Sector-specific PLI allocation
  • Udyami Mitra portal 
  • MSME Sam bandh
  • MSME delayed payment portal 
  • Digital MSME scheme 
  • Prime minister’s employment generation program
  • SFURTI (Scheme for the fund for regeneration of traditional industries) 
  • ASPIRF (A scheme for the promotion of innovation, rural industries & entrepreneurship
  • NMCP (National manufacturing competitiveness program)
  • MSE-CDP (Micro & Small enterprises cluster development program 
  • CLCSS (Credit linked capital subsidiary scheme)

Infrastructure including social infrastructure 

Infrastructure & Economic development 

Energy, Power, Transport system 

  • Rail 
  • Road 
  • Civil aviation 
  • Energy infrastructure 
  • India’s initiative related to renewable energy 
  • Water management infrastructure 
  • Communication infrastructure 
  • Government initiatives to boost communication infrastructure
  • Critical infrastructure 
  • Transport infrastructure 
  • Railways 
  • Parvatmala
  • Urban infrastructure 
  • Green infrastructure 

Concept of social sector and social infrastructure 

  • ESG

Health education & family welfare 

Trends in social service sector expenditure by general government (combined states & center)

Development of health infrastructure 

Some important topics of Globalisation are 

  • Impact on India
  • Concept
  • Its advocacy 

Fair globalization and the need for a policy framework

Re-emergence of protectionism

Economic reforms include following

  • Transformation
  • Green revolution
  • Industrial modernisation
  • LPG reforms

Economic transformation in real sector

  • Liberalisation
  • Privatisation
  • Globalisation

Economic transformation in the financial sector

  • Banking sector reforms
  • First phase of reforms- The Narasimha committee I (Feb 1992)
  • Important reforms under 1992
  1. Capital adequacy norms
  2. Progressive reduction of Cash reserve ratio and Statutory Liquidity ratio 
  3. Credit delivery 
  4. Debt recovery tribunal (DRT)
  5. Strong supervisory system
  6. Entry of new private banks 
  7. Mergers and amalgamation
  • Second phase reform: Narasimhan Committee II
  • The benefits of the Second phase of Banking sector Reforms were:
  1. Deregulation of branch licensing 
  2. Prudential norms and disclosure requirements 
  3. Capital adequacy 
  • Important milestones of banking sector reforms
  1. Prudential reforms
  2. Supervisory reforms
  3. Competition reforms
  4. Market reforms
  5. Institution and legal reforms 
  6. Technology reforms
  7. Debt market reforms
  8. Foreign exchange market reforms
  9. Insurance sector reforms
  10. Capital market reforms 

Economic transformation: Integration with global economy 

Economic reforms in India 

Economic crises in India

  • Higher fiscal deficit 
  • Adverse balance of payment situation
  • High inflation rates 

Macroeconomic stabilization

  • Fiscal policy reforms
  • Tax reforms
  • Balance of payment reforms
  • Monetary policy reforms
  • Inflation control

Structural Adjustment reforms

  • Industrial policy reforms
  • Infrastructure reforms
  • Agriculture reforms 
  • Financial sector reforms

Foreign trade policy, foreign investments and economic development 

  • Structural changes in 1990S: FTP
  • FTP: 2015-20
  • Salient features of 2015-20 FTP
  • Simplification & Merger of Reward structure 
  • Trade facilitation & Ease of Doing business

Challenges to be addressed in upcoming FTP 

FDIs, FIIs and Recent trends

Routes of FDI in India 

Automatic route of RBI 

Government route

Sector wise FDI flow routes and limits to India

Types of FDI 

  • Greenfield FDI
  • Brownfield FDI 
  • Joint venture 

FDI prohibited sectors 

Foreign institutional Investment 

Economic development vs Economic growth 

Importance of economic development as a dimension etc 

International economic organisations have these below mentioned topics under it:

International Monetary Fund and World bank

Functions of IMF

India’s economic relationship with IMF 

Special drawing rights (SDR)

  • Export criterion
  • Freely usable criteria 

World Bank 

ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes 

MIGA (Multilateral investment guarantee agency 

IFC (International finance corporation)

IDA (International development association)

IBRD (International bank of reconstruction and development 

Difference b/w World bank and International monetary fund

World trade organisation- India & WTO

Regional economic cooperations

  • European union
  • Eurozone
  • OPEC
  • G-7
  • G-20
  • OECD
  • APEC
  • Mercosur
  • RCEP

Recent international economic issues

Climate change and Sustainable development goals include following topics

Core elements of sustainable development

Global issues and initiatives

India’s progress in Sustainable development goals 

Sustainable goal 13 of India: Climate Action

  • Five panchamrit commitments to combat climate change

Banks and Climate change

Green finance for sustainable development

Progress in India 

Progress and Challenges of green finance in India

  • Green lending
  • Green bonds

CSR (Corporate social responsibility activities)

Issues facing Indian economy is divided into following topics

Poverty alleviation

Jobless growth

Rising inequalities

Migration and excessive pressure on resources 

Possible remedies 

Pandemic situation


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  • Use the code NEW2024 to take advantage of the promotion.

where you will discover

  • Full Videos
  • Chapter-by-chapter questions from the past year
  • Practice Notes in PDF
  • Module-wise syllabus coverage 
  • Module-wise PYQs
  • Videos downloadable at 2x speed


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