


This article focuses on 360 degree performance and its advantages and disadvantages, and CAIIB NOV 2023 Study Material.

Before we discuss any topics relating to HRM, you need to know the dates of the CAIIB exam Nov 2023 so that you know when to start preparing for the exam. Dates for the November CAIIB exams have been made public by the relevant authorities on the website. The test is slated to take place on November 27 and December 4 and 20 in 2023. You need to get moving on your exam prep. On the official website, the CAIIB exam format for the November exam has also been made available.

Now we are going to discuss an important topic of the CAIIB NOV 2023 Exam‘s optional subject, i.e., Risk management’s 360-degree performance.


The 360-degree performance appraisal approach ensures that the appraisal is completed in a comprehensive manner taking into account all the factors around the person.

The 360-degree performance appraisal method offers a comprehensive view of the employee’s performance. It consists of crucial components, including cooperation, teamwork, and leadership. The entire performance of employees and the productivity of the organisation are successfully improved by a development plan based on the 360-degree performance review method. We implement the 360-degree assessment using a number of different steps. For an organisation, the system’s clarity and efficacy are crucial.

Many firms use the 360-degree performance appraisal system, an advanced kind of appraisal that evaluates employees’ performance based on the opinions of seven to twelve people. These individuals share a portion of the employee’s workplace with them. Reviews of the employee’s competencies are used to collect input from the public. With the use of self-evaluation, the employee participates in the appraisal process as well. With the aid of innovative feedback forms, the 360-degree performance appraisal method helps to increase understanding of the strengths and shortcomings of employees.

There are three main reasons why businesses opt for a 360-degree performance evaluation.

  • To obtain a more thorough assessment of the future leader’s perspective and performance.
  • To gain a deeper understanding of the needs for human resource development.
  • To ensure organisational equity and to gather feedback from all of the employees.

Typically, in a 360-degree appraisal system, the employee’s team members, peers, managers, and subordinates provide input. On-the-job surveys are used to gather feedback, and a 360-degree appraisal has four stages based on employee performance. Self-appraisal comes first, then feedback from superiors, feedback from subordinates, and finally, feedback from peers.

Read also: CAIIB HRM MOCK TEST 2023


The 360-degree feedback method has various benefits, including increasing employee engagement, a transparent feedback process, and boosting feedback’s overall effectiveness.

  • Provides a thorough evaluation: Due to the fact that there are so many distinct sources of 360-degree input, the data is broader and hence has a chance to be more accurate. From the response, it might be able to identify recurrent trends and themes. An employee’s behavior, productivity, and interpersonal interactions are better understood as the number of responses rises. Information is provided by clients, customers, co-workers, and other sources of feedback that would not otherwise be known. When feedback is provided by several sources as opposed to just one, employees are more inclined to consider it.


  • Exchanges opinions: Observing how other people view you at work can be a useful experience. Participants in the 360-degree feedback have the option to anonymously express their opinions about their co-workers. Co-workers don’t often get the chance to hear what other people think of them.


  • Enables anonymity: 360-degree feedback is frequently given and received in an anonymous fashion. There are certain benefits to anonymous feedback, such as making it easier for employees to communicate their opinions, particularly when it comes to critical or constructive comments.


  • Encourages self-awareness: When employing 360-degree feedback, employees can become more self-aware of their strengths and weaknesses. Employees may be inspired to work toward self-improvement, learn new skills, and develop current ones due to this understanding. This self-awareness can also help employees bridge the gap between their perceptions of themselves and others.


The 360-degree feedback system has a lot of benefits, but it can also have some adverse effects, such as causing conflicts, depressing morale, and preventing career advancement. The 360-degree performance appraisal evaluation technique has some drawbacks, which are listed below.

  • Takes a lot of time: The process of finishing a 360-degree performance review can be time-consuming. Both the sources’ participation in providing thoughtful responses to the questions and the supervisors’ or HR staff members’ reading of the information and insightful analysis of it requires time. Many times, the quantity and quality of comments come at the expense of wasted time. The procedure can be sped up by weighing the criticism and combining it into a single performance review document using specialised software.


  • Inaccuracy and dishonesty: Co-workers may not give honest criticism if there is a lack of trust between them; instead, they may say what they believe their listeners want to hear. The feedback that is not truthful is probably also wrong, which is not very helpful. A large team might not know each other well enough to make an appropriate assessment, while a small, tight-knit group could be reluctant to be overly critical. By establishing clear rules and being open and honest about expectations with 360-degree feedback, avoid this predicament.



We provide various things in our CAIIB Nov study materials 2023 like

  • Recorded video lectures that can be downloaded and watched at your convenience.
  • Live sessions of all the chapters according to the latest CAIIB syllabus 2023.
  • There are quick and straightforward notes available in the form of epdfs so that you can quickly review the subjects.
  • These ePDFs include revision notes for CAIIB NOV HRM 2023.
  • These epdfs are accessible through our applications, for which links are mentioned at the end of the article. 
  • Youtube classes on HRM are also available. 
  • You can also attempt mock tests for your practice.


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