
CCP EXAM DATE 2023 – Certified Credit Professional

CCP EXAM DATE 2023 – Certified Credit Professional

CCP EXAM DATE 2023:- CCP stands for Certified Credit Professional. CCP is someone who has the skill set that is required for a role in credit management. They come under the cadre of Credit Officers who are able to effectively perform different credit functions across the banks. In general, they have advanced handling skills of various issues of credit management that include WC Management, Loan Policy, Appraisal of Credit, Monitoring of Credit, Financing of Projects, Credits for Export, etc.


One can acquire credit management skills by preparing for the CCP Exam. It’s IIBF (Indian Institute of Banking & Finance) that conducts the CCP Exams. It is a blended course that offers specialization in credit to banking professionals which makes them eligible for working as Credit Officers in Banks thus, helping them in improving their profile in Banks.



  • Study: CCP Exam requires the candidates to go through a minimum study period of 3 months before they can apply or sit for the online exam. And to ensure the same IIBF accepts the applications for the exams up to a certain period only.
  • Examination: After 3 months are over after the candidates have registered for the CCP Exam they can appear for the Online Exams by registering & paying the appropriate fee.
  • Training: Just clearing the CCP Exam is not enough, after clearing the online exam, you will have to undergo either classroom or virtual training for 3 days. 

CERTIFICATE will be issued to only those who successfully complete the both Online Exam as well as Training. It will be issued by IIBF within 3 weeks of completion of the training.

A ‘Code of Conduct will also be issued to the candidates who successfully complete both, the exam & training (the Code of Conduct is advisory in nature). 

Note: The registration dates have passed for the May-June 2023 attempt, therefore, you can apply for the May-June 2023 attempt. Keep in mind that if you are planning to write for June 2023 attempt, then there is a period of 3 months (study period as described above) that you will have to maintain. So, register for CCP by at least February 2023 to get eligible for CCP June 2023. 

Important Topic:- CCP Previous Year Question Papers PDF Free Download


The registrations for November & December 2021 attempts have closed at the IIBFs official website. Although the examination fees of CCP are as per the following schedule:

CCP 13th May 2023

27th May 2023

10th June 2023

24th June 2023

For Virtual mode of training: Rs.6000 + GST (Training fees will be Nil in virtual mode)


For Physical mode of classroom training:

  • Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata centres (i.e Metro cities): (Rs. [6000+5000] + GST)
  • Other Centres: (Rs. [6000+9000] + GST)

*Training Fees are to be paid only after clearing the online examination. 


The CCP exams are conducted through remote proctored mode (i.e they are conducted over the internet) which allows the candidates to write the test using a Desktop or Laptop (as any other device is not permitted such as mobile, tabs etc) in a location of their choice, while the integrity of the test is also maintained. The monitoring system requires the candidates to confirm their identity, and then it monitors the students through video, mic, etc. throughout the exam looking for behavior that could indicate unfair practices (cheating) during the examination. 


Anyone who has cleared their 12th standard (in any discipline) then they are eligible to write the Certified Credit Professional Exam irrespective of whether they are a member of the Institute (IIBF) or not.

Read Also:- Certified Credit Professional Short Notes Part 2 – CCP Notes


Following is the exam pattern of the CCP Paper:

Exam Mode Online
Exam Language English
Negative Marking No
Questions 100 MCQs (It will include Situation Analysis or Problem-Based Questions)
Maximum Marks 100
Minimum Marks 50
Exam Duration 2 hours


Note: If the online exam is not cleared on the first attempt, then one will have to enroll for the second attempt after payment of Rs. 200 as a nominal fee. But if one doesn’t clear it even on their 2nd attempt, then they will have to enroll again by paying Rs. 6000.

Maximum of Marks:

    • MCQ
  • Attendance
(Total: 100 Marks)

50 Marks

50 Marks

Minimum of Marks:

    • MCQ
  • Attendance
50 Marks (subject to the condition that you get at least 20 Marks in MCQs)
Time Duration 3 days (in 10 Sessions)


Training is conducted in 10 sessions & attendance in 5 sessions is compulsory and that attendance would get the candidates 25 Marks. Each session has a Test of 5 MCQs at the end (marking each MCQ for 1 Mark).

The classroom training fees are required to be paid after one clears the online exam. And if one fails to clear the classroom training, he or she will be required to enroll for his or her 2nd attempt after the payment of Rs. 1000+GST.

Note: You need to complete the Virtual Class Room Training within the time frame of 15 months after clearing the online examination. If you fail to do this, you will have to re-enroll for the online examination from the start while foregoing the previous credits obtained in the Online Exam.

Read Also:- IIBF CCP QUESTION PDF 2023 – Certified Credit Professional


A INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW OF CREDIT Principles of Lending, Borrowers types, Types of Credit Facilities, Credit Delivery, Credit Appraisal and Credit Rating
B ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Analysis of Financial Statements and Project or Term Loan Appraisal
C WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Working Capital Assessment, Quasi Credit Facilities, Various types of Bank Guarantees and Co-acceptance Facilities
D OTHER CREDITS Export Finance, Retail Loans and Priority Sector Lending/ Government Sponsored Schemes
E MONITORING, SUPERVISION & FOLLOW UP AND MANAGEMENT OF IMPAIRED ASSETS Documentation, Types of Charges, Credit Monitoring, Supervision & Follow Up, Management of Impaired Assets, Fair Practices


As the field of Banking and Finance is very dynamic it keeps going through rapid changes. Therefore, IIBF also places some questions from the latest developments/ guidelines issued by the regulator(s) under the subject matter in the exams that might not be included in the syllabus. IIBF also advises candidates to refer to financial periodicals (particularly Master Circulars/Master Directions, IIBF VISION & BANK QUEST) that is published on its website.

Important Topic:- CCP 2023 EXAM STUDY MATERIAL

Because there come far too many changes, therefore the institute prescribes cut-off dates to keep up with the changes (developments/guidelines) for examinations. The cut-off dates are:

Exam Cut-Off Criteria

For the exams held between February 2023 and July 2023, the cut-off date will be based on the 31st of December 2022.


Having to keep up with the updates regularly can be a tedious task for some candidates. And Learning Sessions have a solution that lets you prepare for the exams without having to look for the latest updates that go on in the banking field. The study material offered by learning sessions covers the latest updates and it consists of:

  • Latest chapter-wise video course: It is in a mix of Hindi + English language 
  • Memory Recalled Questions
  • Offline Downloadable Videos
    • Complete Mock Tests that let you understand the exam pattern.
  • FB Updates

The above material provides a comprehensive understanding of all the subject matters of the CCP paper and it will help you in clearing the exams on your very first attempt. 

Read Also:- All about KYC/AML Exam by IIBF


This course is tutored by Mr Ashish Jain, who has experience in the credit department for 7 years. Having delivered more than 900 hours in the form of online classes & served more than 1,25,000 candidates makes him in a position where he can provide conceptual clarity of the topics that makes the learning process so much easy and interesting. 

He also prepares and has delivered classes for JAIIB, CAIIB, Information technology, Digital Banking, Risk Management, Treasury Management, Prevention of Cyber Crime & Fraud Management, KYC/ AML, MSME, and many more.

You can visit this link to check out the demo videos or to register for the CCP EXAM COURSE here.

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