
CCP Previous Year Question Papers PDF Free Download

CCP Previous Year Question Papers PDF Free Download

CCP Previous Year Question Papers:- Certified Credit Professional, in short CCP, indicates that the individual possessing the title has measurable skills that are required for a role in credit management. CCPs come under the Cadre of Credit Officers & are the ones who can effectively perform different credit functions across the banks. 

They possess advanced skills for handling various credit management issues including Working Capital Management, Credit Appraisal, Loan Policy, Credit Monitoring, Project Finance, Export Credits, etc.

After you complete your CCP Classroom Training you can sit for CCP’s Paper i.e. Credit Management is conducted in self-proctored mode i.e. you are simply required to record yourself while taking your CCP Test. So, basically, you have the freedom to choose from the given dates and time slots at your own convenience and can easily attempt the Exam at your own place.


So, if you are starting preparations for CCP EXAM 2024 or are simply done with the CCP syllabus then we would like to suggest that you also prepare the CCP’s Question Papers of Previous Years to know what kind & level of questions IIBF expects you to answer

CCP’s free solved papers will help you in cracking 2024 CCP and in evaluating your marks when you solve them. Solving the questions also assists you in understanding the exam pattern and the marking criteria.


You can easily download the Free PDF files of the CCPs Question Paper of the previous year from the below-given links:

CCP Free Sample Questions for May 2024 Pdf file


While you prepare for CCP 2024 remember the CCP Exam Pattern which is given below:

Multiple Choice Questions 100 MCQs
Maximum Marks 100 Marks
Qualifying Marks 50 Marks
Duration of CCP 2 hours
CCP Exam Mode Online
Medium of CCP English
Negative Marking in CCP No



You can also quickly go through some of the following important CCP Previous Year

Question Papers:-

No. MCQs Answer
1 The term Gross investment mean ___________ while denoting a nation’s economy.

  1. Gross investment (GI) = Net investment + Depreciation
  2. Gross investment (GI) = Depreciation – Net investment
  3. Gross investment (GI) = Net investment – Depreciation
  4. None of these
2 A _______ card is basically a mechanism of payment that allows the holder of the card to make a purchase without any immediate payment in cash.

  1. ATM
  2. Credit
  3. Kishan Credit
  4. Debit
3 Which of following the statement is not true?

  1. Institutional infrastructure facilities make intelligence.
  2. STC – State Trading Corporation is the chief canalizing agent for the export and import of agricultural products.
  3. ITPO (India International Trade Fair) organizes trade fairs and exhibitions.
  4. A letter of credit (LC) doesn’t indicate that the bank will pay the value of imports to the exporter.
4 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) & Foreign Institutional Investment (FII) are distinct in terms of?

  1. FDI brings capital, technology & management while FII brings only capital.
  2. FDI targets specific sectors while FII helps in increasing foreign capital availability
  3. FII is considered more stable than FDI
  4. FII targets both primary & secondary markets while FDI focuses only on primary markets.
5 In order to control credit and investment, the Central Bank of a country (In India, RBI) should

  1. Sell securities in the open market & hike the cash reserve ratio – (CRR).
  2. Buy securities in the open market & lower the cash reserve ratio.
  3. Buy securities from the open market & hike the cash reserve ratio.
  4. Sell securities in the open market & lower the cash reserve ratio.
6 Which one of the following is the main objective of Unit Trust of India (UTI)? To mobilize the saving of ___________.

  1. high-income groups
  2. low- & high-income groups
  3. corporates
  4. low- & middle-income groups
7 Which among the below are the closest instruments to Gold ETF (exchange-traded fund)?

  1. Debentures
  2. G-Sec securities
  3. Mutual Funds
  4. Commercial Papers
8 Which of the following best defines a floating-rate bond?

  1. A bond with a fixed rate of interest & has a better yield than a varying interest rate bond
  2. A bond with a fixed rate of interest & has a lower yield than a varying interest rate bond
  3. A bond with a varying rate of interest & has a better yield than a fixed-interest rate bond
  4. A bond with a varying rate of interest & has a lower yield than a fixed-interest rate bond
9 “Repo Rate” refers to the rate at which

  1. Reserve Bank of India borrows short-term money from the markets
  2. Banks keep the money with the Reserve Bank of India
  3. Bills are discounted by the Reserve Bank of India
  4. Forex was purchased by the Reserve Bank of India
10 A Credit policy seeks to achieve a balance between

  1. Credit Quality, Earnings and Credit Quality, Earnings and Volume
  2. Credit Service Ratio
  3. Current Ratio
  4. Debt-Service Ratio
11 In India, Commercial Banks are given licenses of operation by

  1. The Govt. of India (GoI)
  2. The Ministry of Finance
  3. Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
  4. Banking Companies Regulation Act, 1949
12 Urban cooperative banks are governed by?

  1. State Governments
  2. RBI-Reserve Bank of India
  3. Both a and b
  4. Central Government
13 Minimum Alternative Tax (MAT) under Sec. 115 JB of the Income Tax Act, 1961 is applicable on

  1. Partnership firms/LLPs
  2. Association of Persons (AOPs)
  3. Certain companies
  4. All types of companies
14 Which concept in Human Resource Development (HRD) clearly elaborates on quality of life?

  1. Gini coefficient
  2. Gross National Happiness (GNH)
  3. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 
  4. Gross National Product (GNP)
15 We can never make our beliefs in relation to the world certain. Even scientific theory of a most rigorous & well-confirmed nature is likely to change over a decade or even tomorrow or the very next second. If we refuse to even try to understand the nature of the world, then it is like resigning from the human race. Undoubtedly life of an unexamined kind is worth living in other respects as it is no mean thing to be a vegetable or an animal. It’s also true that a man wishes to see this speculative domain beyond his next dinner.

From the above given passage, it is clear that the author believes that

  1. Men would not do well to speculate
  2. Progress in the scientific field is impossible
  3. A man should live life with the dictum ‘what will be will be
  4. Men are different from animals as far as their reasoning abilities are concerned.
16 Which of the following statements is false? 

A) When all the figures in a balance sheet are stated as % of the total, it’s termed horizontal analysis. B) When financial statements pertaining to several years are analyzed, it’s termed Vertical Analysis. C) Vertical Analysis is also called Dynamic analysis.

  1. Both A & B
  2. Both A & C
  3. A, B & C
  4. Both B & C
17 Reserve Tranche Position (RTP) is a term that is used in context with ____?

  1. Reserve Bank of India – RBI
  2. Federal Reserve Bank (of America)
  3. World Bank
  4. International Monetary Fund – IMF
18 What are the General Anti-Avoidance Rules?

  1. GAAR is a set of rules that are aimed at curbing aggressive tax planning
  2. GAAR is a set of rules that are aimed at curbing money laundering by Indians to the Foreign countries
  3. GAAR is a set of rules that are aimed at regulating investments by Indians in foreign Countries
  4. GAAR is a set of rules that are aimed at regulating investments by Foreigners in India
19 Which among the following is NOT a pillar of Basel III?

  1. Minimum capital standards
  2. Consolidation of assets 
  3. Supervisory review
  4. Market discipline
20 Which of the following statements regarding the ‘Viability Gap Funding Scheme (VGF)’ isn’t true?

  1. Under VGF, the central government (CG) meets up to 20% of the capital cost of a project that is being implemented in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mode
  2. The scheme is administered by the Ministry of Finance.
  3. Sectors eligible for VGF are Infrastructure, Health, and Education.
  4. VGF is a force multiplier, enabling the government to leverage its resources more effectively.




The dates for exams for CCP are as below:

CCP 28.04.2023 to 07.04.2023 13th MAY 2023 Virtual training mode: Rs.6000 + GST (Training fees are Nil)


Physical classroom training mode:

  • Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata centres (Metro cities): (Rs. [6000+5000] + 18%)
  • Other Centres: (Rs. [6000+9000] + 18%)
15.05.2023 & 21.05.2023 27th MAY 2023

*Training Fees: To be paid after clearing the online examination.

To check the official notification of Exam dates for CCP you can click the link here

So, while preparing for the upcoming CCP EXAMS 2024 you should make use of these Mock tests to get into exam mode. Here, you will also find some other articles & notes related to CCP put together by the Learning Sessions.

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  1. If you want ccp latest and updated previous year question and epdfs you should join the Learning sessions. Also Various articles are there on ccp. The link of an article is here


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