


The procedure & the requirements of how to change JAIIB Exam Centre for the JAIIB JUNE Exam 2024.

Have you submitted the wrong examination centre for your JAIIB June exam 2024? Or maybe for some reason you want to change your already submitted (at the time of registration of JAIIB Exam 2024) examination centre? If yes, then you must read this article. 

In this article, we will tell you what you need to do for changing JAIIB exam centre for your JAIIB June exam 2024. So, let’s not wait anymore and begin with the main issue.

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Let us first know what IIBF has to say about examination centres. IIBF has given the following instructions to the candidates registering for JAIIB 2024 Exams:

  • Candidates registering for JAIIB exams are strongly advised to appear at the examination centres nearest to where they are currently working, well that is provided if there is an examination centre for the JAIIB papers.
  • In case there is no examination centre for JAIIB 2024, the candidates are advised to appear at the examination centres nearest to their working place. 
  • If a candidate does not follow this advice or provide wrong information while registering for the JAIIB Examination 2024, IIBF can cancel their examination registration. 
  • IIBF also asks the candidates that they need to appear at the centre which they have chosen when they had registered for the examination for the first time as well as for the subsequent examinations, as the case may be.
  • The venue for the examination will appear on the admit cards of the JAIIB candidates, whenever they get issued.
  • JAIIB candidates can request the IIBF put the change in their centre for the reasons:
    • Transfer from one working place to another
    • Any other reason which is valid for such a request
  • This request for the changes for the center should be applied to the institute before 45 days from the date of commencement of exams.
  • Institute has said that any request that is received after such 45 days will not be entertained.
  • Institute also notifies the candidates appearing for JAIIB that it will not entertain any request for any personal reasons. And if anyone wants to apply for the transfer of the reasons that the institute will consider valid are transfer, training and deputation.
  • This transfer Request of JAIIB Examination Centre is also required to be submitted along with authentication documents (authenticated by employer).
  • It has also been remarked by the institute that IIBF reserves the right for the closure of any existing centre or centres if it is found that the number of candidates which are appearing for that particular centre for JAIIB exams 2024 is less, or for any other reason which IIBF thinks fit. 
  • In those cases, JAIIB candidates will be directed to appear at the examination centres which are nearest to the centre which has been cancelled or closed.


So, what do I need to change JAIIB Exam Centre?

A valid reason: As explained by IIBF, JAIIB candidates need a valid reason such as transfer or training and deputation, if they want their examination centre to be changed. 

Valid documents: Requests for the change of the JAIIB examination centre should also contain authentication by the employer of such JAIIB candidate.

e-mail: JAIIB Examination Centre 2024 change request can be submitted through e-mail attached with the transfer order or the reason as authenticated by his or her employer. 

Note: No request for a change of centre will be allowed by IIB for personal reasons. 

I have applied for change of my JAIIB examination centre, when will I get the updated admit letter for JAIIB Exams 2024?

If you applied for a change request for exam venue for valid reasons, you will get a new admit card. This new JAIIB admits card will be sent by IIBF to the candidate’s registered email ID as well as it will also be available for downloading under the JAIIB candidate’s login profile – 1 week prior to the scheduled JAIIB exam dates.

When can I request for such a transfer of the exam centre of JAIIB?

You will be required to send the request for such change in the examination centre, for the above-mentioned reasons, 45 days before the JAIIB exam is due to start.

IIBF has specifically stated that it will not entertain any request which it receives when only 45 days remain for the JAIIB papers to begin.

What if my examination centre for JAIIB May 2024 has been changed?

Well, if you have found that your venue for the JAIIB examination centre has been changed to somewhere else (different from the one you have chosen at the time of registering for JAIIB 2024) that would be due to the fact that the change of venue is subject to availability of seats at 1 examination venue & is always considered on first-come & first-served basis. 

So, this is probably the reason for you have found that your venue for the JAIIB exam has been changed.

How do I change my JAIIB exam centre for the June exams?

Here are the steps that you need to follow if you want to change your JAIIB exam centre for JAIIB exams when IIBF admits the request for such change:

  • Go to the official website of IIBF
  • Or visit the link sent by IIBF. 
  • Login using your membership number and fill up the captcha code.
  • After that, you will get the option to change your exam centre.



If you are preparing for JAIIB 2024 Exams, you can avail of our JAIIB Combo Pack or individual packs prepared after considering the JAIIB Syllabus 2024.

Here are the direct links for our JAIIB Packs, which can be chosen as per the language you are comfortable in:

Other FAQs

  • How can JAIIB candidates change the exam center of JAIIB?

It can be done by submitting an application for change of centre to IIBF through email and also through the link provided by IIBF.

  • Who can request for Changing JAIIB exam centre?

A candidate who has a valid reason for applying for the change of centre i.e training or transfer can request for the change of centre of their exams.

  • Is there any time limit within which I, a JAIIB candidate, am required to submit the request application for exam centre change?

Yes, you need to submit the request for such change before 45 days before examination dates of JAIIB.

  • From where will I get my JAIIB Admit Card 2024 Letter?

The admit card letters of JAIIB examinations are assigned to the registered email IDs of candidates. They are also available for downloading from the login profile of the candidate at the IIBF portal.

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