


Today we will be discussing about HRM in banks and about the traditional role of HRM in banks a Elective topic from CAIIB EXAM 2024.

There are many flagship courses that IIBF (Indian Institute of Banking and Finance) offers for the banking sector; CAIIB EXAM is one of those esteemed courses. CAIIB stands for Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers. All the professionals in the banking sector who have cleared the JAIIB and are a member of the Indians Institute of Banking and Finance can appear for CAIIB. CAIIB EXAM 2024 consists of 3 papers, out of which two are compulsory being ABM (Advanced Bank management) and BFM (Banking financial management); one is an elective which can be chosen from 6 options- Human resource management, information technology, retail banking, central banking, risk management, and rural banking. 


Traditional Role of Human Resources Department in Banks

The financial risks that banks must incur regularly can be managed by efficient and skilled people. The Human Resource department is in charge of locating such qualified personnel and placing them in appropriate places within the institutions.

Because of the nature of the banking sector, which is primarily service-oriented, human resource management has become increasingly important. The most significant issues facing the banking business in any given time frame are the management of people within the organisation, as well as the management of financial and economic risks at a more significant level. Banks can only manage the financial risks they must regularly take with efficient and experienced employees in the field. The Human Resource department is in charge of locating and placing such skilled employees in appropriate positions within the institutions.

  • Prepare for recruitment ahead of time: Many openings and general growth in the banking business have arisen from the industry’s ever-changing nature and sustained expansion over the last decade. The number of branches in the public sector has increased dramatically, and the demand for competent labor has risen. In each given bank, the HR management staff is in charge of analysing future requirements and continuously calibrating the recruitment process.
  • Maintaining a mix of experience and youth in the workforce: With the emergence of online banking and core banking services, the banking sector is changing, and there is a need to infuse youth energy and vitality in the workplace. However, to make it a successful and fruitful combination, there must be a delicate balance between youthful energy and seasoned professionals, just as in any other field. As a result, HR management is responsible for preserving this balance, as well as making cultural and managerial adaptations to accommodate the employees.
  • Workforce training: In the banking industry, technology and working methods are rapidly evolving. Not only are the machines changing, but so are the approaches to numerous projects, policies, and financial facilities. The recruit, as well as the older ones, must go through the appropriate training to understand the same regularly. Human resource management ensures that employees in the banking industry are not subjected to such disparities. The human resource department is responsible for empowering employees through training and monitoring their performance.
  • HR management is in charge of assessing personnel’s overall performance in various areas. They place a greater emphasis on those who lack a positive attitude about work and attempt to assist them in improving their performance for the bank’s benefit. The HR department recognises and rewards workers’ hard work and dedication.
  • Maintaining a close eye on the employee’s personal needs: In any organisation, employees look for ways to increase their value. They are more likely to work harder if they believe they are a valuable resource for the firm and that the organization cares about them. 
  • Keeping track of retirements and resignations: The HR department is also in charge of talent retention. The HR department is also responsible for making arrangements to prevent employees from resigning from a specific company. They must review and analyse the causes behind employees’ decision to leave the company and attempt to improve the situation. The HR department should also keep track of upcoming retirements and ensure they have recruiting notices ready to fill the vacancies.

The banking business is a significant financial and economic industry that relies heavily on its workers. As a result, the HR function in the company must focus on managing and maintaining this workforce.


HRM CAIIB Study Material 2024

IIBF LEARNING CENTRE will provide Human resource management videos so that you can study and comprehend techniques for CAIIB 2024. The IIBF provides CAIIB applicants with materials and tools to help them pass the exams. Use these CAIIB study aids and quick notes to gain conceptual knowledge. These notes will assist you in quickly covering the complete CAIIB EXAM 2024 syllabus while clarifying the topics. CAIIB SYLLABUS 2024 is the basis for the notes you’ll receive.

You can check out our website for articles, notes related to all the courses including JAIIB and CAIIB, some free study material for them and all the latest updates for the various exams. IIBF.INFO is a website listing all our courses JAIIB, CAIIB, Bank promotions, and Certifications. We have two apps for Android users which are – Learning sessions pro and IIBF LEARNING CENTER, and for iOS users, we have one app ‘My institute app’.

We provide many study options, including: 

  • Latest Videos featuring the most up-to-date information and changes in the CAIIB exam.
  • Latest CAIIB SYLLABUS has been used to update our video lectures and study material.
  • You can use videos, question banks, and epdfs whenever you want from our apps.
  • CASE STUDIES: For all of CAIIB’s EXAMs to date, you may discover 110+ new and updated case study videos.
  • With over 900 hours of experience and wisdom, we have the best tutors available.
  • We’ve compiled CAIIB 2024 STUDY MATERIAL from past year’s CAIIB EXAMS and various other sources.
  • All three courses, ABM, BFM, and RETAIL BANKING, are covered with chapter-by-chapter questions, including prior year and memory recall questions.
  • For your convenience, CAIIB CLASSES 2024 provides notes in the form of words.
  • You can revise without wasting a lot of time using our Android and iOS app’s ePDFs because they are designed concisely to assist you. (ABM, BFM, and Digital Banking are the only options.)
  • Our IIBF LEARNING CENTER offers two sets of videos – one being just in English and the other being a mixture of Hindi and English.
  • Packs should be picked according to your requirements.
  • You can take CAIIB practice tests up to five times, compare your results, and use them to finish exams fast so that you can perform better on the exam.
  • We supply you with many study tactics and techniques in addition to the STUDY MATERIAL to help you prepare better for the exam.


Enroll in Learning Sessions CAIIB CLASSES to pass the CAIIB exam on the first try, whether you’re preparing for CAIIB EXAM 2024 or have already started studying for a deeper comprehension of the topics and exam patterns.

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