


ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCE PROFESSIONAL:- HR might be the most confusing department in your whole organization—everyone knows they’re important, but very few employees know why. 

Businesses know how important it is you have an HR department in the organization. As the human resource got started to be seen as capital instead of an expense, HR took an important place within the organization. 

Today, a healthy Human Resource Department contributes so much to the organization’s growth that it differs from the traditional HR role that was only limited to the recruitment process. 

Below is an in-depth description of the role of the HR department in fulfilling the employees’ needs: 



It is basically a group that is responsible to manage the employee lifecycle and administration of the employee benefits. While the employee life cycle includes recruitment, hiring, onboarding, training as well as firing the employees, employee benefits include timekeeping and preparation of salary sheets, etc.


Looking from the outer side, all HR seems to do is deal with HR violations, layoffs and firing. But if you look closely at the HR department, it seems to be much more than what it looks. Human resources are there, basically, to sport the employees, like, it is literally a resource for humans. 

Here are some of the tasks that the HR department does on the regular basis:

RECRUITING THE CANDIDATES: As a traditional responsibility of an HR department goes, the primary function e is to recruit people for new positions for the ones that get vacated. 

Though it may sound simple to even put up an ad for the opening of a new position, one needs to understand and analyze the market, consult some stakeholders and have to look after the budgets. 

After the advertisement, one needs to research more about how to attract the right candidates. Thus, at 6 as well be a massive and costly task because having the right candidate re-energizes organization while around one can slow Down organizational progress. 

HIRING THE RIGHT EMPLOYEES: As human resources are in charge of arranging interviews, maintaining coordination in the hiring efforts, and getting the new employees on board, they are also interested in the all paperwork involved so as to ensure that everything works out for the laid down path.

PROCESSING PAYROLLS: Payroll in itself is a huge responsibility as one has to calculate all the taxes and the hours. There are so many other related tasks in the daily function of HR such as reimbursement of expenses, raising bonuses, etc. It is not a once-in-a-year activity, as HR has to make sure that proper deductions are made. 


TAKING DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS: Disciplinary actions are the main reasons why HR has a bad reputation. If there is any discrepancy in the disciplinary actions, it can lead to the loss of valuable employees and sometimes even can result in litigation, which can further lead to the bad reputation of the organization. 

So, so handling disciplinary actions is crucial in itself and can lead to the success of an employee.

Although, sometimes even disciplinary action is not the right choice as an employee who isn’t the right fit for a company should be let go. He or she I would be happier somewhere else. 

Thus, HR has to have a strong relationship with managers and employees to take note of the cohesiveness and health of the team. 

UPDATING POLICIES: HR also has to review policies on regular basis, at least once a year. As businesses operate in a dynamic environment, the business might go through some major changes. It’s HR’s responsibility to update the organization’s policy and to suggest changes in the policies when they stop serving the company of the employees. Sometimes, a reaction to an occurrence can also lead to this updation.

MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE RECORDS: As HR record is also required to be maintained under the law, these records help in the identification of skill gaps and analyzing the demographic data and compliance with regulations. These records also contain personal information and emergency numbers of employees.

CONDUCTING BENEFIT ANALYSIS: When trying to attract the best talent, has to be competitive in its recruitment as well as promotion process because a good talent might choose a different competition if he or she sees more benefits there. Therefore, HR should investigate the market to check out what are the benefits that the competition is giving or offering.

Besides working for the benefit of the organization or business, HR is also there to support the employees and to help employees thrive in their careers. HR does it in the following ways: 

PROVIDING CAREER GROWTH: Stagnation is bad for any business; HR has to be smart about keeping its best employees within the company. It can do so by providing career paths to guide every employee to a long future within the company. It can do this career guidance periodically.

OFFERING TRAINING/CONTINUING EDUCATION: Sometimes the career growth mentioned above requires additional training. Your organization may provide educational assistance, and HR can help determine which classes and training programs would be best for an employee on his or her designated career path. HR can also work with managers to ensure that the employee’s work schedule is flexible enough to allow the employee to attend classes.

TRAINING AND SUPPORTING MANAGERS: Another system of career growth or guidance program, HR can devise training programs so as to provide educational assistance. HR also has to determine what kind of classes and training programs are suited to the requirements of employees for their designated career path. So, while considering the training program, HR has to see that the employees half flexible schedules so as to attend the classes or the program.

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SUPPORTING HEALTH AND WELLNESS: It has to be remembered that human resources are actual persons. Whether through health issues, mental illness, debt, pregnancies, and other major life of occurrences. HR helps support the employees through these life occurrences.

Thus, we see that HR has some major tasks to perform. And it’s not any less important than serving the actual customers of the businesses. While employees take care of the business customers, HR takes care of its employees. Thus, HR plays an essential role in the development of the organization.

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