


There are a number of coaching institutions online as well as offline that are providing Coaching for JAIIB 2024 Exams. So, it is obvious you must have questions as to why you should join Learning Sessions to prepare for your JAIIB MAY 2024 EXAM.

Learning Sessions came into its being in 2015. It started with the creation of a YouTube channel by Mr. Ashish Jain with 100 subscribers which has now grown to be a family of more than 125000 subscribers. Mr. Ashish Jain has taught more than 150000 students to date whether it was for JAIIB, CAIIB, BANK PROMOTION (different scales) & IIBF’s other Certification Exams conducted around the year.

To provide quality content for the various Banking Exam Candidates, Ashish sir has even quit his government job. He previously worked in the credit department in PNB. He himself cleared PO, JAIIB & CAIIB in his first attempt even with his engineering background.

Now, we are working towards delivering and providing the right & quality material for bankers so that they can get timely promotions.

We hereby provide you with some of the reasons why you should select Learning Sessions if you want to clear your Junior Associate in Banking and Finance Exam this MAY 2024.

Note: Just so you know, JAIIB exam registrations & other details regarding the registration and exam can be found in this link.



  • INEXPENSIVE: The prices at which learning sessions study materials for the 2024 EXAM for Junior Associate in Banking and Finance MAY attempt are listed is inexpensive. You can check for yourself that all the packs which are listed on our website are at the lowest prices in the market.

So, not only you have been getting such quality content but you will also be getting such content without feeling you have been robbed in the name of Studies.

There will be no noticeable change in your spending if you go with the Learning Sessions JAIIB Material for 2024 for all the subjects i.e IE&IFS, RBWM, AFM and PPB.

  • WHOLE COVERAGE IN LESS TIME: The lectures which are provided by learning sessions are of less time while they cover the full syllabus which has been prescribed by IIBF for MAY JAIIB attempt.

Learning sessions do not believe in wasting time, neither of yours nor its own. Unlike other coaching institutes which take more than 140 hours to deliver lectures on all the four subjects (PPB/AFM/IE&IFS, RBWM), the lectures provided to you by Learning Sessions takes just approximately 80 hours or so.


  • CONVENIENT TIMING: The JAIIB classes are conducted online through live classes which are most suitable for people working in banks. The classes are conducted in the morning as well as in the evening when you are probably off from work. So, it’s very convenient for you to manage the schedule to attend the live classes.


  • COMPLEMENTARY STUDY NOTES: Along with the lectures, on purchase of video courses of JAIIB whether it is for all the papers, or a single paper (PPB, AFM or IE&IFS, RBWM), candidates will also be given access to the complementary study notes to read from. These notes can only be accessed through our android application.


  • REVISION THROUGH RECORDINGS: There are times when you might not be able to attend live class, therefore, recordings of the live classes are also provided so that you do not miss anything of your syllabus.
Principles & Practices of Banking Syllabus 2024 JAIIB PPB Study Material PDF 2024 JAIIB PPB Notes PDF 2024 JAIIB PPB Mock Test PDF 2024
Accounting & Finance for Bankers Syllabus 2024 JAIIB AFM Study Material PDF 2024 JAIIB AFM Notes PDF 2024 JAIIB AFM Mock Test PDF 2024


It also works well if you want to revise this syllabus later on.

  • FULL SYLLABUS COVERAGE: The whole of the syllabus which has been prescribed by IIBF is covered through lectures. So, our material is sufficient for you to clear your JAIIB this/upcoming attempt. It will also include any updates which are applicable for the said examination.


  • CONVENIENCE OF ACCESS: This study material which is made available for JAIIB 2024 candidates can be accessed via laptop/computer or android device. One can either login on our web portal or access the JAIIB material through our Android application.

So, it’s not like if you do not have access to a computer or laptop you cannot access JAIIB- PPB, AFM & IE&IFS, RBWM 2024 Exam study material.


  • YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO READ EXTRA STUFF: The JAIIB candidates who learn through Learning Sessions do not require to read any extra stuff for the MAY 2024 JAIIB EXAM. All the banking updates which are relevant for 2024 Junior Associate in Banking and Finance will be duly provided/included in the study material so that you do not have to go through so many websites and articles for the purpose.


  • FREEDOM TO CHOOSE WHICH CONCEPT TO WATCH FIRST: The lectures grouped in study material of AFM, PPB, IE&IFS, and RBWM which is available for purchase, is duly named with the concepts. This gives freedom or we can say flexibility to the 2024 JAIIB aspirants to select which concept they want to study first when it comes to revision.

So, naming arrangement with the concept names instead of class numbers helps avoid going through the videos which you do not want to go through for whatever reason (it could be that you have fully understood the concept and do not need further revision or you want to prepare for a particular concept first).

  • WE HAVE EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED: SINGLE PAPER/ COMBO: There are some students, who might have cleared only one or two papers of JAIIB in their previous exams and will only require any classes of the exams they have not got cleared. It could be the case that they want to get classes of one paper from some other place while they want to study other papers from learning sessions. In that case, they can purchase the classes for a single JAIIB subject whether that is PPB, AFM or IE&IFS, RBWM.

Or they might want to self-study one of the papers of JAIIB or that they want to just prepare through questions instead. And learning sessions provide classes/ study material in the combo of all the three papers of JAIIB as well as the three papers are provided separately too. And for those who only want to prepare their JAIIB EXAM through questions, we also have Set of Mock Tests which contains more than 4500 questions (all JAIIB papers combined) as a solution.

PPB Principles & Practices of Banking Syllabus 2024 JAIIB PPB Study Material PDF 2024
AFM Accounting & Finance for Bankers Syllabus 2024 JAIIB AFM Study Material PDF 2024


This allows you to pay only for the classes/material which you actually need without spending any extra money.

  • THE LANGUAGE ISSUE: 2023 Study Material of JAIIB Exams is available in two languages: 1. English & 2. Hindi (with the mix of English)

As the courses provided by learning sessions are demanded and required by the bankers from southern India, where English is most commonly used, learning sessions have also been taken into consideration and have made available the JAIIB study material in the English language.

So, our JAIIB materials (lectures) are available for Hindi-speaking candidates as well as English-speaking candidates.

  • AVAILABILITY OF MATERIALS WITH VARIED VALIDITY: The courses of the junior Associates examination listed on our website are available with different validity periods, which makes it more budgetary for the candidates. The validity of PPB, IE&IFS, RBWM & AFM ranges from 3 months to 12 months.
  • CONCEPT CLARITY: Above all, all the concepts of either of the paper of Junior Associates exam is given top preference. The concepts are delivered by expert faculty who has years of experience and have taught more than 125000 students. So, you do not need to worry about not understanding the concepts. They are made easy just for the JAIIB aspirants.

The above-mentioned reasons are sufficient enough for any of the JAIIB candidates to choose learning sessions for the preparation of this MAY 2023 Exam.

So, if you are looking for a material that is not only sufficient but also reasonable or inexpensive or cheapest in the market, then you need to check out our JAIIB portal or Learning Sessions app.

All you need to do is: 

  • Sign up with your email ID
  • And then after providing a password, you can browse through different packs/ courses which are listed there.
  • The payment process is also very convenient, as you can pay through different methods whether that is debit card, credit card, UPI ID, wallet or net banking. 
  • After payment, you just need to re-login after logging out from the portal or application. Then you can go to the video section to access your purchased pack and we promise that you will be JAIIB ready this MAY 2023 after watching the JAIIB videos.



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