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In our previous post, we discussed the significance of retail banking in the broader framework of bank operations, looking at various business models, strategies, and real-world applications. Let’s dive into some crucial questions concerning this subject to help you deepen your understanding and get ready for tests. You can evaluate your understanding and develop your ability to respond to exam-style questions by trying these out.


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Let’s get going!

1. What are the main approaches used in retail banking? 
A Strategic Business Unit (BU) Approach 
B Departmental Approach 
C (As a component of the broader business plan) Integrated Approach
D All of the above
Ans: A


2. Which approach is generally adopted by Public Sector Banks in India?
A Strategic Business Unit (BU) Approach
B Departmental Approach
C (As a component of the broader business plan) Integrated Approach
D Both a and b
Ans: B


3. Which statement is incorrect regarding organizational models in retail banking?
A Mostly product-oriented and horizontally organised, with certain goods sharing common customer information. The majority of the products are available with common information in a model that is primarily vertically organised
B In most the PSBs, the horizontally organized model is the standard norm
C A horizontally organised model is typically used by new private-sector banks.
D None of the above
Ans: C


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4. What is the business model followed by foreign banks with a defined business focus? 
A Strategic Business Unit (BU) Approach
B Departmental Approach
C (As a component of the broader business plan) Integrated Approach
D Both a and b
Ans: A


5. Which statement is incorrect in relation to retail banking?
A Retail Banking as a concept includes implementation models, business process structure, and product and process models
B Retail Banking has a number of elements that individually and collectively contribute to the success of the segment
C Boston Consulting Group conducted a study on the retail banking processes (Transforming Retail Banking Processes)
D All the above
E None of the above


6. Which statement(s) is/are correct in relation to branch classification in retail banking?
i. where retail space is used to classify branches according to their potential for business, and only these branches’ targeted businesses are used to inform the marketing methods deployed there.
ii. where retail space is used to classify branches according to their potential for business, and only these branches’ targeted businesses are used to inform the marketing methods deployed there.
iii.  This idea is a successful business model for PSBs with a broad network, useful for targeted tactics, and is being employed by some public sector banks.
A Segmented approach
B Geography approach
C Classification based approach
D None of the above
Ans: A


7. Which statement is incorrect in relation to liability products?
A These products are offered to retail banking customers basically under three spaces – Savings Accounts, Current Accounts, and Term Deposit Accounts
B Product differentiation among these accounts is best achieved by adding different value propositions to these products
C The standard retail products offered by banks are Housing Loans, Consumer Durable Loans, Car Loans, Credit Cards, and Personal Loans
D None of the above
Ans: C


8. Which phases should be completed in what order during the product development process? 
A Product development
B Product growth
C Product differentiation
D None of the above
Ans: A


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9. Which statement is correct in relation to implementation models in new-generation private sector banks?
i. Although slightly tilted in favour of outsourcing, the model is a well-balanced mix of outsourcing and in-house work.
ii. In certain institutions, the liability side is not outsourced but is instead processed internally, while the asset side is outsourced.
iii. In line with the business model, the majority of the implementation is outsourced.
A Statements 1 and 2
B Statements 1 and 3
C Statements 2 and 3
D Statements 1, 2, and 3
Ans: A


10. Which model, which offers a variety of products/services across assets, liabilities, and other services, is dependent on the level of client information available in a single platform on the database side?
A Horizontal and Vertical Models
B Predominantly Vertically Organised and vertical Model
C Horizontal model and Predominantly Horizontally Organised Model
D Both a and b
Ans: A


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11. Which of the following models provides functionality across products with a customer database orientation, where a centralized customer database is used across products?
A Horizontally Organized Model
B Vertically Organized Model
C Predominantly Vertically Organized
D Predominantly Horizontally Organized Model
Ans: B


12. Which of the following statements is incorrect in relation to differences between Retail and Wholesale banking? 
A In contrast to wholesale/corporate banking, which targets a comparatively smaller segment of business/corporate clientele than retail banking does, retail banking is a mass-market banking model.
B Loans in retail banking have a small ticket size, while loans to corporations have a large ticket size.
C Returns are low in retail banking as the spreads are higher for different asset classes in retail, but in corporate banking, the returns are higher as corporates bargain for lower rates due to higher loan amounts
D None of the above
Ans: C


13. Under which pricing model is an initial low and attractive price set, which is switched over to market-related pricing after 3 years?
A Step-up pricing model
B Stand-alone pricing
C Both a and b
D None of the above
Ans: A


IE & IFS (Indian economy and Indian financial system) Click here
PPB (Principles and Practices of Banking) Click here
AFM (Accounting and financial management) Click here
RBWM (Retail banking and wealth management) Click here
IE & IFS ENGLISH (Indian economy and Indian financial system) Click here
PPB ENGLISH (Principles and Practices of Banking) Click here
AFM ENGLISH (Accounting and financial management) Click here
RBWM ENGLISH (Retail banking and wealth management) Click here


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