This is the continuation of last article on RIGHT TO INFORMATION filing subject matter that falls under CAIIB Syllabus of Law paper for May 2024.
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Now, continuing with the topic, believe me it’s going to be more interesting!
Yes, you can solve your personal problems with the help of RTI too:
- Be it the endless delay in sending your passport or
- Getting a copy of an FIR you have filed,
You can submit an RTI application with specific questions. This will most likely be the beginning of the end of your suffering.
RTI can solve issues such as:
- pending income tax return,
- issuance of pension,
- withdrawal or transfer of PF,
- issuance of Aadhaar card or
- Awaiting income tax returns
- Delayed withdrawal of PF
- Delayed PF transmission
- Delayed passport
- Delayed Aadhar Card
- IRCTC Delayed Refund
- Copies of answer sheets
- Property documents such as occupancy certificate / completion certificate
- FIR Status
- Claim status
- EPF status
- Delay in scholarship
- issuance of property documents or driving license.
Using the RTI tool in any of these scenarios or in other cases involving a government agency – will guarantee you an official response from which to proceed if your issue is not resolved.
Indian citizen can ask civil servants about the reasons for a delay in the civil service they are working for. Example: if you applied for a passport and it was not delivered. In that case one can ask the following questions:
- Please provide the names of the officials to whom my application was submitted during this period.
- Please indicate the daily progress made on my passport application.
- Please inform me according to the ID card in how many days I should receive my passport.
Note: In most of the cases – the problem will be resolved. In this way, you can use RTI to resolve many other outstanding issues, especially those where bribes are sought.
If one thinks that the facilities in their community are not as expected, or one has noticed that some government-maintained property is in poor condition, one can use RTI to get the government to work on it.
RTI can solve issues such as:
- Repair potholed roads
- Conduct social audit of government projects
- Find out how your MP/MLA has spent the fund allocated to him
- To know how a particular government project or scheme has been implemented
Example: Suppose, if the road is in very bad condition, you can ask the following questions:
- How much money has been spent on road development in the last 3 years?
- How was the money spent?
- Please provide a copy of the order
According to the law, RTI information should be provided within 30 days.
However, sometimes government records are:
- not located or
- are missing or
- the agency you wrote to needs coordination with another department to provide you with the requested information.
In such situations, it may take > 30 days for the information to be delivered.
In such a case, the concerned PIO have to send the applicant a written statement about the possible delay and the reason. If they fail to do so and you do not receive the information within 30 days, then the matter can be taken up with the appellate authorities.
For Central Govt. department:
The fee is Rs. 10 with each RTI application.
Payment method may vary from state to state government. When applying in person, some organizations accept cash while some do not. Some require a court fee stamp, some require an Indian Postal Order (IPO). While sending RTI application by post we can use IPO/Court fee stamp of Rs. 10.
Below Poverty Line (BPL) persons are not required pay Rs. 10 – RTI filing fee.
In addition, if you have requested a government office to provide copies of some records, you will have to pay Rs. 2 per page. Once the office receives your application and determines the amount you will need to pay for making copies, you will receive a notification by mail. You can make the payment by sending a postal order/stamp/draft of the said amount.
The central government has come up with the RTI Act, which is applicable in all states except Jammu and Kashmir, which has its own act very similar to the central act.
Though each state has an expanded central act with state-specific rules that include rules for RTI fees, mode of payment, RTI application form, and sometimes word or question limits, so, you have to check the little details specific to your requirement.
So, when it comes to RTI, there are watchdogs at several levels to ensure that the law is followed in letter and spirit. In addition to creating a mechanism for providing information, the law uses a “do or die” approach.
Every government organization has to appoint 1 employee as a Public Information Officer (PIO). Once the department receives an RTI application, it is the responsibility of the PIO to provide the information to the applicant within 30 days. Failure to do so may result in a monetary penalty being imposed on the PIO. The longer the PIO keeps the applicant waiting, the higher the fine will be. There have been instances where PIOs have been asked to cough up an amount in thousands of rupees as fine.
Each state has an Information Commission which consists of a Chief Information Commissioner and several Information Commissioners. Ex-judges, IAS and IPS officers with impeccable records are appointed to these posts by the government. Above them in the hierarchy is the Central Information Commission, and below them are the first and second appeal bodies, which ensure that the applicant receives the information about the VPJ that he has requested.
So, we hope you found this article useful. As a banker, if you need to know something about your bank, think about the possibilities!
Well, all the best for your CAIIB Exams this MAY 2024 & if you need any help in relation to Study material, questions, classes, you can whatsapp or call at 8360944207