


This article would give you CAIIB E-Commerce Free Mock Test for Practice that will help you to prepare for your CAIIB exam 2022.

CAIIB stands for Certificate Associate of Indian Institute of Banking and Finance. CAIIB is conducted by IIBF (Indian Institute of Banking and Finance) twice a year. CAIIB exam 2022 is one of the most difficult so you would need all the help you can get. Your CAIIB exam 2022 preparation is not complete unless you take CAIIB Online Mock Tests and evaluate it. Our CAIIB Information technology Mock tests, which were developed with the assistance of highly skilled teachers, are trusted by thousands of students across the nation. The best method of getting good marks on a test like this one is to use as many CAIIB IT Mock Tests as you can. This formula is effective but time-consuming.

What is a mock test 2022?

A mock test could be viewed as a pre-exam that helps the candidate assess where they stand in the field and identifies any gaps that need to be closed before tests. The syllabus, the repetition of themes, the number of questions that must be answered, the marking scheme, and every other aspect of the genuine exam are all replicated in the mock test. In order to give pupils a sense of the significant exam, mock exams are set up. Mock exams offer a practice run for many students who are about to take a significant exam for the first time in their lives. Candidates can get all this by practicing our CAIIB IT mock tests. These mock tests for E-commerce are free of cost for you so that these mock tests are easily accessible for you all. 

Why is CAIIB IT mock test important?

CAIIB mock tests are significant because they offer practice. A person becomes perfect through practice. For a competitive exam, revision is essential to help you retain everything you have learned. You can review the whole syllabus in a simulated exam environment by taking CAIIB IT mock tests multiple times. You can retain the information you need to know and perform well on the actual exam in this way. You would get familiar with the format and content of the question paper through our CAIIB Information technology mock tests. It’s difficult to finish the exam on time. CAIIB IT Mock tests would assist you in time management, which is already the equivalent of doing half the work.

 Now that you know how important it is for you to practice our CAIIB Information technology mock tests we would like to give you some sample questions to give you an idea about our mock tests.



Q) Which of the following systems does image processing for the purpose of interbank payments?

  1. Real-time gross settlement system; 
  2. An electronic clearing system
  3. Shortening of checks
  4. Electronic Funds Transfer 

Ans- 3


Q) Which of the following is the acronym for SWIFT?

  1. The Society for Worldwide Financial Transfers 
  2. Society for International Financial Transfers
  3. Society for International Financial Telecommunication 
  4. Society for Worst Financial Terrorism International

Ans- 3


Q) Which of the following Indian laws accepts shortened and electronic cheques as legitimate legal tender?

  1. Information Technology Act
  2. Act on Negotiable Instruments 
  3. Act concerning Payment and Settlement Systems
  4. All of the above

Ans- 2


Q) What type of pre-paid payment instruments are legal to be issued in India?

  1. Closed-system payment methods
  2. Instruments for semi-closed systems of payments
  3. Payment methods using an open system
  4. All of the above 

Ans- 4


Q) What are the minimum net owned funds of an Indian Agent appointed by a Foreign Principal under the Money Transfer Service Scheme (MTSS)? 

  1. Rs. 200 lac
  2. Rs. 100 lac
  3. Rs. 50 lac.
  4. Rs. 150 Lac

Ans- 3


Q) The companies who seek to issue pre-paid payment instruments, aside from banks and non-bank finance organizations, should have a minimum of Rs… paid-up capital and Rs…. In net worth

  1. Rs. 500 crores, Rs. 500 crore
  2. Rs. 500 crores, Rs. 100 crore
  3. Rs. 100 crores, Rs. 100 crore
  4. None of the above

Ans- 2


Q) If a bank receives information from a customer about a failed ATM transaction and delays in providing relief to the customer, the bank is required to pay the customer compensation of Rs……. without his request.

  1. Rs. 10000 per day
  2. Rs. 1000 per day
  3. Rs. 100 per day
  4. Rs. 10000 per day

Ans – 3


Q) A settlement mechanism were orders for funds transfers are processed and paid in full

continually, is known as

  1. System for debit clearing
  2. System of credit clearance
  3. System of national clearing
  4. Actual Gross Settlement

Ans- 4


Q) Up to a maximum of Rs.____________, rupee-denominated PPI in the form of cards may be issued by overseas branches of Indian banks either directly or through co-branding with exchange houses or money transmitters.

  1. Rs. 50000
  2. Rs. 1 lac
  3. Rs. 2 lac 
  4. Rs. 5 lac 

Ans- 3


Q) Which of the following statement about the Nepal Remittance Scheme’s fees is incorrect?

  1. The sending bank will receive Rs. 5
  2. SBI will receive Rs. 20
  3. Additional fees of Rs. 100 will apply if the beneficiary does not have a Nepalese bank account.
  4. For remittances up to Rs. 5000, there are additional fees of Rs. 50 if the beneficiary does not have an account in Nepal and Rs.75 for payments over Rs. 5000.

Ans- 4


We have realised that no matter how many times you read books for your preparation of CAIIB exam 2022 you would perform better if you had short and easy notes for you to revise from. We have compiled CAIIB study material 2022 by keeping in mind the CAIIB syllabus 2022. Since, we are discussing about Information technology study material in this article we would like to tell you various services that we offer:

  • IT Video lectures which can be downloaded.
  • CAIIB IT mock tests are free of cost.
  • Includes Memory recalled questions.
  • Short and easy notes in the form of ePDFs which can be accessed on our apps.

All the best for your upcoming exam!



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