In this article, we’ve provided the links for learning sessions free study material that has been prepared as per the revised syllabus of JAIIB/CAIIB 2023.
Learning sessions have started the classes for the revised syllabus of the JAIIB and CAIIB 2023 exams. The subjects for which the classes have been started releasing are accounting and finance management, Retail banking, and wealth management, Advance business and financial management, and banking regulations and business laws. Classes for these modules are released on the daily basis. You can find module-wise full classes in the playlist section of the learning sessions YouTube channel.
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Let’s see what topics have been covered yet in our full video lecture series:
In the new syllabus of JAIIB 2023, AFM has been newly introduced and it seems similar to the previous module ABM. Most of its topics are similar to the ABM’s syllabus and the ones that have been added new are getting covered in our full lecture.
Cost related topics
AFM Class #1 i.e., Introduction to the cost is based on the fundamentals of cost and it further explains the cost, costing, cost accounting, and cost accountancy at the end you will find some practice questions based on the topic taught.
AFM Class #2 i.e., Elements of cost explains Material, Labour, and material are further classified into direct and non-direct.
AFM class #3 i.e., Types of cost: Fixed cost, variable costs, semi-variable cost, controllable and uncontrollable cost, opportunity cost,
AFM class #4 i.e., Classification of cost defines functional classification, time-based classification, and cost classification for decision-making, based on accounting period, association with the product, By the degree of traceability to the product, changes in the activity, and the volume
AFM class #5 i.e., Types of cost explains the definition of costing, job costing, Contract costing, batch costing, process costing, operating costing, departmental costing, multiple composite costing,
AFM class #6 i.e., Techniques of costing explains historical costing, standard costing, absorption costing, marginal costing, Direct costing, and Activity-based costing.
AFM class #7 i.e., Cost accounting and cost accountancy defined the key importance of cost accounting, the Difference between cost and financial accounting, the Definition of cost accountancy, and the scope of cost accountancy.
AFM class #8 i.e., Nature and scope of financial management define the scope of financial management, estimating the financial requirements, deciding the capital structure, selecting a source of finance, selecting the pattern of investment, proper cash management, implementing financial controls, management of earnings, the relationship of finance with other business function.
AFM class #9 i.e., Objectives of financial management covers profit maximization, wealth maximization, financial decisions, investment decisions, financing decisions, dividend decisions and a few practice questions based on the topic taught.
AFM class #10 i.e., capital budgeting explains the process related to it, its importance, and a few practice questions based on it.
AFM class #11 i.e., methods of capital budgeting explain the different kinds of methods coming under this topic like the discounted method and non-discounted method.
AFM class#12 i.e., discounted cash flow method covers the numerical questions based on this topic.
AFM class#13 and #14 i.e., sources of corporate finance cover the sources like equity capital, share capital, preference shares, debentures, types, etc.
AFM class#15 i.e., cost of capital and cost of debt cover types of funds, redeemable and irredeemable debt, etc.
AFM class#16 i.e., Numericals based on the redeemable and irredeemable cost.
AFM class #17 i.e., Securities and exchange board of India covers the structure, objectives, functions, and practice questions based on it.
AFM class#18 i.e., Time value of money discusses annuities and formulas.
AFM class#19 i.e., the Time value of money is based on the numerical coming under this topic.
AFM class#20 i.e., the capital structure covers the types of capital like equity and debt and factors on which the capital structure depends.
AFM class#21 i.e., working capital defines working capital, gross working capital, current assets, net working capital, numerical and questions based on the topic.
AFM class#22 i.e., financial statements cover the objectives of the financial statement, components of the balance sheet, current and non-current liabilities, etc.
AFM class#23 i.e., Components of balance sheet covering the current and non-current assets and questions based on this topic.
AFM class#24i.e., Final accounts define the components of trading account, profit and loss account, and some practice questions based on it.
AFM class#25 i.e., Trading and P&L account cover questions based on the given topic.
AFM class#26 i.e., Trial balance and rectification of errors cover books of original entry, trial balance, classification of errors, error or omission, error of commission, compensating error and error of principle.
AFM class#27i.e., Questions based on the trial balance and rectification of errors.
AFM class#28 i.e., Ratio analysis covers the Classification of ratios and short-term solvency ratios.
AFM class#29 i.e., Ratio analysis Part II covers the long-term solvency ratio, debt-to-equity ratio, total assets-to-debt ratio, proprietors’ ratio
AFM class#30 i.e., Solvency ratio important questions
AFM class#31 i.e., Solvency ratio important questions Part II
AFM class#32 i.e., Profitability ratios, also gross profit ratio, operating profit ratio, net profit ratio, Return on investment ratio, and numerical-based questions.
AFM class#33 i.e., Numerical problem sums based on the profitability ratio
AFM class#34 i.e., Activity or turnover ratios cover types of activity ratios and important formulas and numerical sums based on them.
AFM class#35 i.e., Types of turnover ratios
Introduction to Accounting
AFM class#36 i.e., Introduction to accounting, the process of accounting, types of accounting, internal users, external users, objectives of accounting, qualitative characteristics of accounting, difference b/w bookkeeping and accounting, accountancy, and practice questions based on the topics taught.
AFM class#37 i.e., accounting concepts and conventions cover the accounting principles, accounting concepts, business entity concept, cost concept, going concern concepts, accounting period concept, dual aspect concept, matching concept, realization concept, accrual concept, accounting conventions, conventions of full discourse, convention of materiality, convention of consistency, convention of conservatism and practice questions based on it.
AFM class#38 i.e., Basic accounting terms capitals, drawings, liabilities, non-current liabilities, current liabilities, and many more terms.
AFM class#39 i.e., accounting procedures cover the classification of accounts, transitions, capital accounts, asset accounts, and rules of the debit card under the modern approach.
AFM class#40 i.e., Journal entry in accounting covers types of journal entries and journal entries.
Retail banking and wealth management has been added to the JAIIB 2023 pattern. Learning sessions have been releasing classes for this paper as well.
Here are some free JAIIB/CAIIB study material free YouTube full lectures on RBWM
Cover the important topics of advanced business and financial management in the easiest way by signing up for our free YouTube lecture series.
ABFM lectures by Ashish sir | ABFM lectures by Sandhya ma’am |
BRBL classes 2023
Cover these important topics of banking regulations and business laws with our YouTube video lecture series.
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