


In today’s article, we will discuss Organizational communication from the HRM topic of CAIIB Study Material 2022.

After passing the JAIIB test, candidates can take the CAIIB EXAM, which is another flagship course given by the Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF). CAIIB’s mission is to assist people to make better decisions by providing advanced information in areas such as Treasury Management, Risk Management, Balance Sheet Management, Credit Management, International Banking, and Economic Analysis.

The CAIIB exam is administered twice a year. Candidates must have passed the JAIIB before taking the CAIIB Exam 2022.

The CAIIB 2022 exam has the following eligibility requirements:

To sit for the JAIIB exam or Part 1 of the Associate Examination, candidates must first qualify for the JAIIB exam.

A member of the IIBF is required.

The candidate’s membership dues must have been paid.

On this page, we’ll go a bit over the unit of organizational communication, using the most recent IIBF pattern as a guide.

Human resource management is one of the most important subjects of CAIIB EXAM. It is the practice of managing manpower in the most efficient manner possible, a manner which would be most profitable for the company. This helps in getting the best outcome from the available human resources. 

Human resource management consists of 4 modules mainly including:

  • Human Resource Management: Concepts, Policies, and Practices; Behavioral Dynamics in organizations, Organizational Change and Development, HRM in Banks, Knowledge management.
  • Building an HR Strategy: Organizational Communication, Manpower Planning, Performance management, and appraisal systems.
  • Motivation, Training and Skill Development: human implications of organization, training, and development, training methodology.
  • Personnel Management and Industrial Relations: the personnel functions, grievance redressal, and dismissal, workers participation in management.

Now that we are familiar with human resource management, we would like to discuss the topic of organizational communication.



This is the most important moduled of human resource management.  Any organization’s administration requires effective communication. Whether the goal is to inform employees about new policies, prepare for a weather disaster, maintain organizational safety, or listen to employee attitudes, good communication is a critical component of efficient management. Organizations must have complete policies and methods for communicating with their constituents, employees, and stakeholders, as well as the general public, to be successful. The majority of HR experts and company leaders feel that aligning corporate communication with business strategy is critical for efficient and consistent operations.


Organizations can ensure the following with a systematic and comprehensive communication strategy:

Consistently communicate your messages.

Make a name for yourself in the job market.

Deliver top-down messages that are consistent with the company’s mission, vision, and culture 

There are 3 kinds of organizational communication: 

  • Internal operational communication,
  • External operational communication, and
  • Personal communication

Internal operational communication

Communication inside the company: internal operational communication refers to communication that takes place within a company to carry out its operations. Workers, managers, the board of directors, members of trade unions, and other internal members of the business are all part of the internal communication process. oral and written communication are both used in this style of business communication.

External operational communication refers to communication with outside parties or groupings.

Customers, suppliers, government agencies, regulatory authorities, the local community, special interest groups, and the general public are examples of external parties.

It is impossible to fulfill organizational goals without connecting with these external stakeholders.

Personal communication is defined as communication that takes place for communicating personal information, thoughts, and sentiments rather than business information. In the professional world, not all communication is professional.

Personal communication takes place whenever people come into contact with one another.

Organizational communication requires personal communication. Even though this type of communication has little to do with operational strategies, it has an impact on employee attitudes about them.


The following is a summary of the significance of communication in an organization:

  • Employees are more motivated when they are informed and clarified about the task at hand, how they are performing it, and how to improve their performance if it isn’t up to par.
  • Communication is a source of information for organizational members during the decision-making process since it aids in the identification and evaluation of various courses of action.
  • Communication is also important in changing people’s attitudes; a well-informed person will have a better attitude than a less-informed person. Employee attitudes are shaped by organizational publications, journals, meetings, and various other types of oral and written communication
  • Socializing is aided through communication as well. Without communication, one cannot survive.
  • Controlling the process is made easier by communication. In a variety of ways, it aids in the management of organizational members’ behavior. Employees in an organization must follow several levels of hierarchy as well as specific concepts and norms. They must follow organizational policies, do their job duties effectively, and report any work issues or complaints to their supervisors. As a result, communication aids management control

Having said that, organizational communication is one of the most important parts of human resource management. Free notes on Organizational communication are available on our website at your disposal. Our IIBF LEARNING CENTER app offers CAIIB STUDY MATERIAL for free along with recorded video lectures. 

This lesson aims to clarify what organizational communication entails, as well as the barriers to effective communication and the steps involved. We have combined our STUDY MATERIAL for you all in such a way that you don’t have to read all those lengthy books. Our notes would not only save your time but also help you understand the concepts much better. You could revise all your topics at a glance from our study material. We update our syllabus from time to time and the notes that are at your disposal are made according to the HRM SYLLABUS 2022. CAIIB MATERIAL would clear all your doubts and would help you prepare in such a way that the concepts would be on your tips.

One of the most difficult courses for bankers to pass is CAIIB. If you apply our “CAIIB study material,” however, we promise that you will pass the CAIIB exam.


IIBF LEARNING CENTER APP offers a variety of services that involve:

  • The latest test syllabus is incorporated into all of our lessons 
  • ePDF notes are available on our site. 
  • You can access CAIIB STUDY MATERIAL 2022 from anywhere anytime you want from an Android mobile phone or a laptop.
  • 900+ questions available for you to solve 
  • Previous year questions available
  • Chapter-wise questions are also included
  • Recorded video lectures are available for all the subjects of CAIIB EXAM 2022
  • The most recent pattern of question papers is followed
  • We provide you with the best team of experienced tutors at your disposal. 
  • Study tips and tricks are also given from previous year’s toppers.
  • Competitive tests 
  • Mock test papers
  • Memory recalled questions
  • Case Studies LATEST & UPDATED are present to get a clearer picture of real-life situations. 

Enrolling in our LEARNING SESSIONS of CAIIB CLASSES would be beneficial for you if you’re preparing for CAIIB 2022 as it would assist you in succeeding at your first attempt at the CAIIB EXAM.

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