
Certificate Examination in Prevention of Cyber Crimes and Fraud Management – SYLLABUS 2023-2024

Certificate Examination in Prevention of Cyber Crimes and Fraud Management – SYLLABUS 2024

IIBF has already started with the registrations for its certificate course in Prevention of Cyber Crimes and Fraud Management. If you want to sit for the upcoming March 2024 attempt then you must register for the exam as the application process will end by the 18th of February 2024. To get the details of the March 2024 Cyber Crime Exams click here.

You can find the Study Material for its exam from the below article:


Subject Modules
Prevention of Cyber Crimes & Fraud Management
  1. Cyber Crime Overview includes topics related to Introduction to Cyber Crime, Channels of Cyber Crimes, its Concepts & Techniques, Cyber Crime Methods, Computer Insecurity & Computer Hackers
  2. Fraud Management contains matters on Incident of Cyber-crimes & Protection against Computer Fraud 
  3. Electronic Transactions contain matters on Online Transactions, Payment Cards & Data Security, Electronic Card Frauds, and Global Payment Processing.
  4. Cyber Laws & Regulatory Compliance includes Cyber Law in India, Taxation Issues and Electronic Transactions, & Human Traits & Regulatory Compliance.


Prevention of Cyber Crimes and Fraud Management SYLLABUS 2024 

MODULE – A: Cyber Crime Overview

Introduction to Cyber Crime: you will be reading different Concepts under Cyber Crime and Techniques as to how it is done.

Channels of Cyber Crimes: in this section, you will get to know the channels through which cybercriminals commit cyber crimes.

Cyber Crime Methods: This unit talks about the methods as to how cyber-crimes are committed such as Stalking & Cyber Squatting, Cyber Extortion & Cyber Cheating, Cyberwarfare & Cyber Terrorism, and Phishing & Hacking.

Computer Insecurity: You will get to know what is the lack of security through which Internet Crime & Internet frauds get done, the User Failures & their Causes, Bank failures, etc.

Computer Hackers



MODULE – B: Fraud Management

Computer Fraud Protection: This unit of Fraud Management tells us about the controls through which we can protect ourselves from the cyber-crimes such as Prevention Controls, Detection Controls, Encryption/ Decryption, Mitigation Controls etc.

Incident of Cyber-crimes: You get to know how you can handle cyber-crimes when you become the victim, how the Cyber Crime is to be Reported, all about the Cyber Crime Investigation, Cyber Forensics, Cyber Crime Management, Evidence Collection & Chain of Custody, Cyber Crime Risk Management, etc. 



MODULE – C: Electronic Transactions

Online Transactions: This unit contains Concepts related to Electronic Transactions, Emerging Trends in them, and the Legal Implications related to them.

Global Payment Processing

Payment Cards & Data Security

Electronic Card Frauds: This unit talks about the fraud that is committed through ATM Cards, Smart Cards, and Credit Cards, etc.


MODULE – D: Cyber Laws & Regulatory Compliance:

Cyber Law in India: You will be basically reading about the Information Technology Act, 2000.

Electronic Transactions & Taxation Issues 

Human traits: This section talks about human traits such as Associate and Behavior

Regulatory Compliance under Cyber Laws


Note: IIBF recommends the candidates who register for this exam to read Master Circulars or Master Directions issued by RBI & IIBF publications such as IIBF Vision, Bank Quest, etc. & also get acquainted with the latest updates or changes that occur in actual practice and also visit the websites of RBI, SEBI, BIS, IRDAI & FEDAI for the same.

You can check out the latest prescribed syllabus by IIBF for this Certificate Course in Cyber Crime here.

STUDY MATERIAL of Certificate Examination in Prevention of Cyber Crimes and Fraud Management: 

Learning Sessions has the Best Study Material for the IIBF Cyber Crime Exam 2023-24 & has included questions from the previous year’s papers in the latest Study Material available on our website or application. 

The course has the following contents:

    • Full Course Videos on Cyber-crime:
  • As per Latest IIBF Syllabus
  • Questions
  • Memory Recalled Questions
  • Review Tests
  • Epdfs Notes (accessible through Learning Sessions android app only)

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