
Pass Bank Financial Management (BFM) in 1 Attempt

Pass Bank Financial Management (BFM) in 1 Attempt

In this article of BFM i.e. paper 2nd of Certified Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers exam, its exam & registration date & how to prepare the same.

Bring your spirits up, Bankers. It’s time to take matters into hands. Join us to pass CAIIB 2023 Dec ExamsRight Now.

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CAIIB exam 2023 dates for registration and exams in December have already been announced. Now it’s high time to prepare BFM i.e. Bank Financial Management due on  December 2023. If this is the first time that you are appearing for the CAIIB exam. Let us guide you regarding it.

CAIIB has three papers: First, it is Advanced Bank Management and Second, it is Bank Financial Management. These two papers are mandatory exams. The third paper is optional. Optional means you need to select a paper out of available papers. These areas follow:

1) Rural Banking
2) Retail Banking
3) Human Resources Management
4) Information Technology
5) Risk Management
6) Central Banking

Out of these elective papers for CAIIB, retail banking and Human resources management are the most common. Now coming back to the BFM.

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Read Also:- CAIIB BFM SYLLABUS nov 2022

Bank financial management has 4 modules for preparation. These are as under:

Module A: International Banking

Module B: Risk Management

Module C: Treasury Management

Module D: Balance Sheet Management


Priority of Modules in Bank Financial Management

  1. Module B
  2. Module A
  3. Module D
  4. Module C

How to Prepare for Bank Financial Management?

Now you know the priority of modules of Bank Financial Management. But that is not it, you should be conceptually clear about the basics. Though Macmillan is a good book for CAIIB: Bank Finance Management. But the language is very tough and professional. Also, the case studies and numerical are not covered in the Macmillan Book for BFM.

Most Important Topic:- Get Free BFM Classes

The book for BFM is also outdated as many changes have been made in Forex policies and Risk Management Policies. So now the question is, where to prepare for BFM?

And the answer is our full course videos for BFM. All the topics with the latest details have been covered in our 25+ hours videos for BFM. And also the case study and numerical with complete solutions have been covered where ever required. That is not it, along with these videos you get 1500+ questions including previous year chapter-wise questions and mock tests. So now you know the priority of modules for BFM and also know where to prepare from. 

Full course for JAIIB, CAIIB, and Bank Promotion Exams is available to visit

Just get started and all the best for the upcoming Caiib Exams 2020.




Below are the most important topics from the prescribed syllabus for the paper of Bank Financial Management of CAIIB DEC 2022 exams. So, the students preparing for the BFM paper for the last attempt of CAIIB must not skip the following topics:

  1. On balance & Off balance items,
  2. Basics of forex derivatives,
  3. Capital,
  4. Correspondent banking & NRI accounts,
  5. Derivatives,
  6. Documentary letters of Credit,
  7. Exchange rates,
  8. Facilities for Exporters & Importers,
  9. Forex Business,
  10. Gap Analysis,
  11. Implementation of ALM,
  12. Instruments,
  13. Market Risk,
  14. Operational Risk,
  15. Policies,
  16. RaROC,
  17. risk migration & credit metrics,
  18. RWA,
  19. Swaps,
  20. Volatility,
  21. value-added risk,
  22. Risk regulations in the banking industry,
  23. CRAR (Capital to Risk (Weighted) Assets Ratio),
  24. Market risk



We have provided you with the most important topics but that doesn’t mean that you don’t go through the rest of the syllabus of the BFM NOV 2022 exams. Topics that are not listed above, must also be covered as a part of your study program to ensure that you pass the CAIIB Exams!!

And to help you prepare, we have the exact solution!

You can go through our Live Lectures of Bank Financial Management on YouTube! They are available free of cost!!

Yes, you read it right! Now cover your whole CAIIB Latest Syllabus 2022 without paying any hefty fees. So, join us today & wait no more. We have a proper schedule of Live Sessions already prepared. Take a look & attend the Free Live BFM Classes!

To know the timing & the date of CAIIB BFM Live classes: Click here.


Not only BFM, but Learning Sessions have other papers’ free Live classes too!



Due to some time constraints or some other valid reasons, some candidates can’t attend the live CAIIB lectures. So, what they can do is watch the recorded classes of CAIIB lectures. We have got all the recorded classes, whether its Advanced Bank Management (ABM), Bank Financial Management (BFM), Rural Banking, Retail Banking, Information Technology (IT), Human Resources Management (HRM), Risk Management, or Central Banking papers.

So, all the above ‘Certified Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers’ subjects’ study material is as per the latest & updated syllabus applicable for CAIIB December 2023 Exams & are delivered by the expert faculty with all-time access (24 x 7)!

Other than that you also get the

  • Mock Tests which will include the Memory Recalled Questions from past CAIIB exams
  • Unlimited views of lectures
  • Download the recorded lectures on iOS/android apps
  • Most reasonable prices with the flexibility to choose from the listed packs
  • English language for ABM & BFM
  • Hinglish language for any of the CAIIB paper

All the above can be in your hands when you:



You can reach us for any query related to Study materials/video classes as well as offers on JAIIB, CAIIB, or other IIBF Certification Exams (MSME, AML KYC, CCP, Digital banking & Risk management) or Bank Promotion Exams (all scales & all banks) on our Whatsapp No.: 8360944207


For daily free bank related updates & free materials of CAIIB, join us:


We wish you the best for your CAIIB BFM Exams 2022!

Team: Learning Sessions

Also Like:

  1. You should clear the exam in one attempt with the strategies, articles and study material of bank financial management.


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