


CERTIFIED CREDIT PROFESSIONAL or CCP indicates that the individual has measurable knowledge of the skills required for a role in credit management. Any banker as well as a non-banker can write CCP & acquire the skill set to work in the credit department of the bank or any other financial institute. They will be required to register & sit for the CCP Exam 2024 on the notified dates. IIBF is the body that conducts the CCP Exam & we will discuss the CCP July Schedule & Syllabus 2024.

CCPs come under the cadre of Credit Officers who can effectively perform different credit functions across banks. They have the advanced skills that are required to handle various credit management issues including Working Capital Management, Loan Policy, Credit Appraisal, Credit Monitoring, Project Finance, Export Credits, etc. 


  • The Credit Department of a bank has the most important & challenging work. And one can get the opportunity to work in one as a Credit Officer is surely going to be a satisfying feeling.
  • After going through the course, CCP acquires the skills and knowledge required to discharge the credit functions
  • A CCP carries out the appropriate appraisal and does better monitoring, leading to good-quality of loans.
  • Having acquired the appropriate skills, a CCP already understands and knows the areas where the chance of mistakes that bankers can generally commit in credit operations. Thus, he/she is in a better position to avoid such minor things.
  • As a Credit Officer, you have seniority in your department and you perform a guiding and monitoring role towards the junior staff in the credit department
  • Having the title of CCP sure helps in enhancing the chances to get timely promotions.



You can become a Certified Credit Professional by writing the CCP Exams that are conducted by IIBF (Indian Institute of Banking & Finance). It’s a blended course offering specialization in credit to banking professionals that make them eligible to work as Credit Officers in Banks thus, helps them in improving their profile in their Banking career.


STRUCTURE of Certified Credit Professional 

  • Study: You will have to go through a minimum study period of 3 months before you can apply for the online exam. To ensure this stipulated period IIBF accepts applications up to a certain period.
  • Examination: After over 3 months of you getting registered for the CCP Exam you can appear for the Online Exams by registering & paying the appropriate fee.
  • Training: After clearing the online exam, you have to undergo either classroom or virtual training for 3 days. 

CCP CERTIFICATE will be issued to only those candidates who successfully complete the both Online Exam & Training. It will be issued within 3 weeks of completion of training.

Read Also:- IIBF CCP Short Notes – Part 1 | CCP – Certified Credit Professional

A Code of Conduct will also be issued to the successful candidates (which is advisory in nature). 

So, if you are planning to write the exams you will have to first register yourself for online training at the official website & then for Classroom Training of 3 days.


The registrations for the 2024 attempt will be opening at the IIBFs official website as per the following schedule. You can register for the CCP Exam there accordingly:

FOR MAY 2023 28th April 2023 To 7th May 2023 13th May 2023 Virtual training mode: Rs.6000 + GST (Training fees are Nil)


Physical classroom training mode:

  • Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, & Kolkata centres (Metro cities): (Rs. [6000+5000] + GST)
  • Other Centres: (Rs. [6000+9000] + GST)
FOR MAY 2023 15th May 2023 To 21st May 2023 27th May 2023 Virtual training mode: Rs.6000 + GST (Training fees are Nil)


Physical classroom training mode:

  • Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, & Kolkata centres (Metro cities): (Rs. [6000+5000] + GST)
  • Other Centres: (Rs. [6000+9000] + GST)
FOR JUNE 2023 29th May 2023 To 4th June 2023 10th June 2023 Virtual training mode: Rs.6000 + GST (Training fees are Nil)


Physical classroom training mode:

  • Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, & Kolkata centres (Metro cities): (Rs. [6000+5000] + GST)
  • Other Centres: (Rs. [6000+9000] + GST)
FOR JUNE 2023 12th June 2023 To 18th June 2023 24th June 2023 Virtual training mode: Rs.6000 + GST (Training fees are Nil)


Physical classroom training mode:

  • Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, & Kolkata centres (Metro cities): (Rs. [6000+5000] + GST)
  • Other Centres: (Rs. [6000+9000] + GST)

Note: As mentioned, GST will be applicable at @18% on the exam fees.

*Training Fees: To be paid after clearing the online examination. 

Check out the official schedule by clicking on the link here: IIBF OFFICIAL 


The exams are conducted through remote proctored mode (over the internet) that enables the candidates to write a test using a Desktop/Laptop (any other device is not permitted e.g. mobile, tabs, etc.) in a location of their choice while maintaining the integrity of the test. This system requires students to confirm their identity, and the system monitors students through video, mic, etc. looking for behaviour that could indicate unfair practices (cheating) during the examination. 


If you have passed the 12th standard (in any discipline) you are eligible to write the Certified Credit Professional Exam irrespective of the fact that whether you are a member of the Institute (IIBF) or not. So, anyone can join the CCP after completing their 12th standard.

IMPORTANT TOPIC:- Certified credit Professional Syllabus Priority



Exam Mode Online
Exam Language English
Negative Marking No
Question Types 100 MCQs (including Situation Analysis or Problem-Based Questions)
Maximum Marks 100
Minimum Marks 50
Exam Duration 2 hours

Note: If you fail to clear the online exam on the first attempt, you will have to enrol for the second after payment of Rs. 200 as a nominal fee. But if you don’t clear it on your 2nd attempt, you will have to enrol yourself again by paying Rs. 6000.

Maximum of Marks:
  • MCQ
  • Attendance
(100 Marks in Total)

50 Marks

50 Marks

Minimum of Marks:
  • MCQ
  • Attendance
50 Marks (subject to the condition you get at least 20 Marks in MCQs)
Time Duration 3 days (10 Sessions)


Training will be conducted in 10 sessions & attendance in a minimum of 5 is compulsory and would correspond to 25 Marks. Each session will have a Test of 5 MCQs at the end marking each MCQ for 1 Mark.

Read Also:- IIBF CCP QUESTION PDF 2024 – Certified Credit Professional

The classroom training fees are required to be paid after you clear the online exam. And if you fail to clear the classroom training you will need to enrol for your 2nd attempt after the payment of Rs. 1000+GST.

Note: You need to complete the Virtual Class Room Training within 15 months of clearing the online exam. If you fail to complete the training in 15 months, you will have to re-enrol for the online examination from the start foregoing the previous credits obtained in the Online Exam.


A INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW OF CREDIT Principles of Lending This unit contains concepts of lending principles like Safety, Liquidity, Profitability, Purpose of Loan, and Diversification of Risk. Model Credit Policy etc.
Types of Borrowers The kind of Individuals whether Major, Minor, Married Women, Pardhanashin Women, Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), Proprietorship Firms, Partnership Firms, Limited companies, Statutory Companies, Illiterate Persons, Agents, Attorneys, Joint Borrowers, Holding Companies, Government Companies, Private & Public Limited Companies, Registration of charges, Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) are defined in this unit.
Types of Credit Facilities Various Types of Credit Facilities such as Cash Credit (CC), Overdrafts, Demand loans, Bills Finance i.e Drawee Bill Schemes, Bills Discounting, etc are covered here.
Credit Delivery How the credit services are delivered through different types of Facilities, Modes of Delivery, Sole Banking Arrangements, Multiple Banking Arrangement, Consortium Lending, Syndication & Credit Thrust, Credit Priorities, Credit Acquisitions, and Statutory & Regulatory restrictions on Advances are detailed in this section.
Credit Appraisal All about the appraisal concept is discussed in this unit such as the Validation of proposal, Dimensions of Credit Appraisals, 6 “C” s, Structuring of Loan documents, Credit Risk, Credit Risk Rating, Credit Worthiness of Borrower, Purpose of Loan, Cash Flow, Source of Repayment, Collateral, etc.
Credit Rating How is risk measured, Objective of Rating, Internal & External Rating, Methodology of Rating, Internal & External Comparison, Model Rating Formats & Model Credit Rating are put in here?
B ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Analysis of Financial Statements This unit defines the topics like Balance Sheet & Banker, Classification of Assets & Liabilities such as Current Assets, Fixed Assets, Non-current Assets, Intangible & Fictitious Assets and Liabilities like Current Liabilities, Medium & Term Liabilities, Capital & Reserve and analyses the Balance Sheet Profit & Loss Account, various Ratios, their classification of Ratios, types of ratios like Liquidity Ratios, Leverage Ratios, Activity Ratios, Profitability Ratios, Other important Ratios, Interpretation of Important Financial Ratios, their uses, Fund Flow Statements, Techniques Fund Flow and Cash Flow Statements, Illustrations, etc.
Project/ Term Loan Appraisal The kinds of Appraisal there are, are defined here e.g. Technical Appraisal, Commercial/Market Appraisal, Managerial Appraisal, Economic Appraisal, Environmental Appraisal, Project Cost & Means of Finance, Financial Appraisal, Cost of Production & Profitability, Sensitivity Analysis, Break-even Analysis, Capital Budgeting concepts like Pay Back Period Method, Time Value Money, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return (IIR), Life of the Project, etc are covered in this unit.
C WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Working Capital Assessment Concept of Working Capital, Gross Working Capital, Net Working Capital, Working Capital Gap, its Components, Sources, Operating/ Working Cycle, Computation of storage/ Retention Period, Various Methods of Assessment of Working Capital, its Computation using Turnover Method, MPBF Method, Cash Budget System, Working Capital Finance to IT. & Software Industry, Impact of inadequate Working Capital, Loan Delivery System, Cash Flow Analysis, Illustrations, Commercial Paper, Credit Delivery, Analysis of CMA data.
Quasi Credit Facilities What are the advantages of Non-Fund Facilities, Various types of NFB Facilities and Letters of Credits, Assessment of LC limits, Bills Purchase/ Discounting under LC, etc discussed here?
Various types of Bank Guarantees Types of Guarantees like Performance Guarantees, Financial Guarantees, Deferred Payment Guarantees, Performance, and Financial Guarantees, Assessment of their limit, and Period of Claim under Guarantee are defined here.
Co-acceptance Facilities RBI Guidelines and Co-acceptance of Bills covering the supply of Goods & Machinery are the topics put under this unit. 
D OTHER CREDITS Export Finance Pre-Shipment Finance-Export Packing Credit in Rupees, Running Account Facility, Pre-shipment credit to specific sectors – Sub-Suppliers, Construction Contractors, Export credit to Processors/exporters – Agri Export Zones, Export Credit Insurance Whole Turnover Packing Credit, Pre-Shipment Credit in Foreign Currency (PCFC), Running Account Facility (in all currencies), Negotiation of Export Bills, Export on Consignment basis, Advance against Duty Draw Back Entitlements, ECGC Whole Turnover Post-Shipment Guarantee Scheme, Deemed Exports, Diamond Dollar Account Scheme, Post-Shipment Rupee Export Finance, Purchase or Discount of Export Bills, Interest Rate of Rupee, Export Credit, ECNOS, Rupee Export Credit Interest Rate Subvention, Post-Shipment Finance in Foreign Currency, Gold Card Scheme for Exporters, Crystallisation of Export Bills, etc form part of this unit.
Retail Loans Various characteristics of Retail Loans, their advantages, Retail Banking Vs Corporate Banking, Various Retail Banking Products, Model Retail Banking Products such as Home Loans, Vehicle Loan, Personal Loan, Pensioner Loan Scheme, Property Loan, Holiday Loan Scheme, Gold Loan Scheme, Education Loan, etc., as well as guidelines on CERSAI registration, will be found under the section.
Priority Sector Lending/ Government Sponsored Schemes Different Categories of Priority Sector borrowers, Agriculture (Direct & Indirect) Finance, MSME Finance (Direct & Indirect), Micro Credit, Government Sponsored Schemes e.g.  Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana or SGSY, Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY), SRMS, Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana, Education Loans, Housing Finance, Export Credit, Differential Rate of Interest Scheme, Priority Sector Targets, etc are defined.
E MONITORING, SUPERVISION & FOLLOW UP AND MANAGEMENT OF IMPAIRED ASSETS Documentation  All about the documentation, its Importance, Types, Requisites, Selection of documents, their Stamping, Mode and time of Stamping, Remedy for un-stamped/ under-stamped documents, Documents of which registration is compulsory, Time limit of registration, Consequences of non-registration, Execution, Mode of Execution, Period of Limitation, Law of Limitation to Guarantor, Extension of period of limitation, Enforcement of documents, Death of Borrower/ Guarantor, etc can be seen under this section.
Types of Charges This unit explains the purpose of the charge, Various types, their modes, Types of Security, Lien, Negative Lien, Set-Off, Assignment, Pledge, Right of Banker as a Pledgee, Duties as a Pledgee, Hypothecation, Mortgage, its different types, Difference b/w Simple and Equitable Mortgage.
Credit Monitoring, Supervision & Follow Up The meaning of Credit Monitoring, its Goals, Process, Different Tools, Check-list for the same, monitoring by using various statements, QIS Formats/ guidelines on it, Supervision & Follow Up, etc are covered here.
Management of Impaired Assets This unit introduces concepts like Credit Monitoring, NPA,  NPA Management Policy, Sick Unit, Income Recognition Policy, Assets Classification, Guidelines on Asset Classification, Projects under implementation, Project Loans under Infrastructure and Non-Infrastructure Sectors, under Commercial Real Estate Sector, Income Recognition, take out Finance, Provisioning Norms for NPA, Provisioning Coverage Ratio i.e. PCR, Options available to banks in Stressed Assets, and Prudential Guidelines on Restructuring, Eligibility criteria for restructuring, Asset Classification Norms for Restructured Assets, various Committee’s recommendation like Mahapatra Committee Recommendations, Revised Prudential Guidelines on Restructuring of Advances, General Provision on Restructured Standard Accounts, Up-gradation of Restructured Accounts, Viability Parameters, Rehabilitation, Viability Period, Incentives for Quick implementation of Restructuring Package, Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) Mechanism, CDR Structure & Operations, New RBI Framework for Distressed Assets, Wilful Defaulters, Penal Measures, Compromise, Pre and Post – filing precautions, Type of Decrees, Modes of Execution of Decree, Legal Action, Civil litigation, Lok Adalats, Debt Recovery Tribunal, SARFAESI, Write Off etc.
Fair Practices The unit talks about the applicability of the concept of Fair Practices, Practices to be adopted, Loan Processing, Assessment, Disbursement, Administration, Recall/ Repayment of Loans, and Grievance Redress Mechanisms are what could be seen under this section.



Because Banking and Finance is the dynamic field they keep going through rapid changes. Therefore, IIBF also the candidates to expect some questions from the latest developments/ guidelines issued by the regulator(s) under the subject matters that may not be included in the syllabus as well as on current developments in banking and finance. IIBF also advises referring to financial periodicals/newspapers (particularly Master Circulars/Master Directions, IIBF VISION & BANK QUEST) published by the Institute on its website.

Important Topic:- IIBF CCP EXAM NOTIFICATION 2024 | Certified Credit Professional

The cut-off date to keep up with the updates (developments/guidelines) for examinations conducted for:

Examination Period Cut-off Date
February 2022 to July 2022 31st December 2021
August 2022 to January 2023 30th June 2022



Keeping up with the updates regularly can be a tedious task. But we, Learning Sessions have the exact solution for that. The study material offered by us consists of:

  • Latest chapter-wise video course (in a mix of Hindi & English language) 
  • Offline Downloadable Videos
  • FB updates


The above material will give you a comprehensive understanding of all the subject matters that will help you in clearing the exams on your very first attempt. This course is made available to you by Mr Ashish Jain, who himself has worked in the credit department for 7 years. He has delivered more than 900 hours in the form of online classes and rendered services to more than 1,25,000 candidates. 

He has also prepared and delivered classes for JAIIB, CAIIB, Information technology, Digital Banking, Risk Management, Treasury Management, KYC/ AML, Prevention of Cyber Crime & Fraud Management, MSME, and much more.

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You can visit through the given link to check out the demo videos or to register for the CCP EXAM COURSE: CCP EXAM 2024 VIDEOS

Syllabus 2024 Study Material PDF 2024 Notes PDF 2024 Mock Test PDF 2024
CCP Syllabus 2024 CCP Study Material PDF 2024 CCP Notes PDF 2024 CCP Mock Test PDF 2024



You can reach us for any query related to Study materials/video classes as well as offers on JAIIB, CAIIB, or other IIBF Certification Exams or Bank Promotion Exams on our WhatsApp No.: 8360944207

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We wish you the best for your Exams!

Team: Learning Sessions

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