


This article is on the topic of Development of Human Resources from the CAIIB ABM syllabus 2022 applicable for ABM EXAM 2024.

This article has been written especially for the candidates who are going to write their CAIIB Exam this 2024. You will get to reveal about the career path planning which is one of the topics from the unit- the development of human resources which is from the applicable syllabus of CAIIB ABM 2024. The text has been prepared in the manner which is easy to understand so that the candidates can just take one read & be done with it.

When we talk about the development of human resources working in the organisation, it is imperative that we provide them a clear career path and plan their off so that they can see themselves on the way to success in the near future. 

Knowing that there is a career path which can lead to promotion for better growth of the career, motivates employees to give the best to the jobs they have been assigned. 

You can read more about the career path planning in the following paras:


Importance of career path Planning can be understood from the underlying constructs which are generally observed:

  • Every individual desire and expects changes at certain points in his or her life
  • These changes are very much predictable or follow a pattern 
  • If the desire for expectations is not met, the individual gets frustrated from life.
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According to Erikson, the first stage in the life of individual is adulthood which is reached from the following stages:

  1. Adolescence: This is the stage where an individual achieves his or her ego identity. Here, he or she reconciles with his or her perceptions by making adjustments to his or her identity.
  2. Young Adulthood: After adolescence, an individual enters into the stage of young adulthood where he or she starts to apply relationships with individuals, groups and with his or her occupation. Relationships could be close ones and these are developed by taking interest in the group or work group.
  3. Adulthood: Having learnt from the experience of young adulthood, he or she enters into the stage where the guide is the next generation and pass their knowledge & values which helps to sponsor the younger colleagues. 
  4. Maturity: When they attain maturity, he or she tries to achieve ego integrity by taking a look at the life whether it has been meaningful or satisfying.


According to Dalton, there can be following career roles:

  1. Apprentice: When an individual starts his or her career, they are actually at the beginning of their career where they do the routine work under the supervision of their mentor, with the help of whom they get to learn.
  2. This stage actually requires them to adjust themselves to some degree of dependency.
  3. Colleague: This is a stage where the individual contributes independently but still works in a subordinate role. The thing here is that he or she is less dependent on his or her superiors for advice and direction.
  4. Mentors: In this career role, one starts to perform Complex functions where they develop ideas, manage other people and become responsible for their subordinates.
  5. Sponsors: This is above the level of the mentor where an individual is required to broaden his or her perspective on a long-term basis as he or she has become a part of the top management. Here the individual has become one of the key persons responsible to direct the whole organisation.


In the professional life, an individual may go through at least one of the following type of career growth:

  1. Linear Career Concept: As per this concept, an individual plans to move upward in his or her current profession climbing up the organisational hierarchy.
  2. Steady State Career: In this type of career a person requires higher skills although he or she does not move up in the hierarchy but remains at the same stage.
  3. Plateau Career: Reaching a level higher than where one started but then continuing on the same level
  4. Transitory Pattern: Here individuals keep shifting from one job to another which might or might not be related to the previous job they have worked in.
  5. Spiral Career: Individuals take up a new job where they work hard and perform well enough to move up in the status and ranks only to move to another job where they follow the same pattern of development and performance.
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Career anchor has three components in view of self-perception in respect of:

  • What he or she thinks of his or her own talents and abilities in view of their own performance till now?
  • What do they think are their motives and needs after doing self-diagnosis and getting feedback?
  • How do they want their attitude and values to be on the basis of interactions they had with the organisational norms and values?


Other than the above-mentioned career anchors, Schein has also provided some, which are explain below:

Technical or Functional Competence: There are some individuals who actually fall in love with a specific function hall job which they are passionate about. This is the field the desire to be outstanding in by acquiring the highest skills associated with this area.

Managerial Competence: There are some people who like to manage and are good at it. They had some experience which provided them with a directive that they will be able to advance in the management hierarchy.

Security: Some people want to work in a secure place where they tie themselves to their work and career and like to tie themselves to that one particular organisation or even a particular geographic location because they don’t want to move places and are satisfied where they are.

Creativity: There are some people who are always on the track to create something new. This starts one thing and makes it a success and then move to another new thing & makes that successful and the circle keeps on going.

Autonomy: There are simply some people who like their freedom so much that they don’t prefer to work for an organisation & therefore, are satisfied only when they work on their own.


Having a career path planning system in the organisation is very much essential for the development of organisations employees. Therefore, an organisation has to look at the following points when they develop and implement of career plan:

  • There is an explicit policy regarding career planning. Listed here are the benchmarks for performance that employees must reach at critical stages
  • The career path is clearly defined as a development path rather than a right to advancement
  • When employees join the company, their career path – which includes job assignments, training requirements, and promotions to higher levels – is revealed. A career path includes feedback on performance.
  • All employees are treated equally and without any bias/prejudice in the career path
  • Depending on the given circumstances, it must be flexible to suit any changes required

We hope that you found this article easy to understand and will be helpful in your preparation for CAIIB EXAM 2022. You can find more articles like this on our official website. Do tell us in the comments how you like this article on career path planning from the prescribed syllabus of CAIIB 2022.

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