
Module B PPB – Principles and Practices of Banking Important Questions Paper 1

Module B PPB – Principles and Practices of Banking  Important Questions

Today in this video tutorial of principles and practices of Banking we cover important and memory recalled previous year questions with an explanation of module B. This video of module B of principles and practices of Banking includes basics and some advanced concepts of banking.


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Types of Money

Money Market in detail Part 2

Principles and Practices of Banking Most Important

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Concepts of Principles and Practices of Banking Explained:

  1. What is term money?
  2. What is call money?
  3. What is notice money?
  4. Section 6 of Banking Regulation Act
  5. First public sector bank who issued capital to public
  6. Nationalization of RBI
  7. What is a scheduled bank?
  8. Conditions for a bank to be scheduled bank
  9. Wholesale banking
  10. Retail banking
  11. Difference between wholesale banking and retail banking
  12. Channels of retail banking
  13. Off-balance sheet items

Read Also:- Principles and Practices of Banking Mock Test For Free

You can also find our video on YouTube by searching learning sessions, videos by learning sessions, PPB, principles, and practices of Banking, how to clear jaiib exam, principles and practices of Banking videos in Hindi, wholesale banking, retail banking, term money, call money, notice money, important questions of principles and practices of Banking, a memory recalled questions of principles and practices of Banking, previous year questions, important concepts of PPB, pPB videos in Hindi, how to clear principle and practices banking exam in one attempt, how to prepare for principles and practices of Banking, module B questions of principles and practices of Banking, module B of PPB paper

Important Topic:- Principles and Practices of Banking Study Material 

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