


Read the detailed CAIIB syllabus of the ABM, BFM & other CAIIB electives papers which is applicable for NOV &/Or DEC Attempt this 2024.

The syllabus for CAIIB Exam is set by IIBF (INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE). The coursework of Certified Associate Exam is duly provided on all the papers of CAIIB. But the CAIIB aspirants are also advised by the Institute to keep themselves updated with the information/Circulars/Master Directions/other publications like IIBF Vision, Bank Quest, etc that IIBF puts on its official website:

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You can read the syllabus applicable for CAIIB ABM Paper in November 2024 from the below table:

I. Advanced Bank Management a. Economic Analysis This unit will include concepts relating to fundamentals of Economics: Scarcity and Efficiency – Market, Command and Mixed Economies – Microeconomics & Macroeconomics in brief – Types of economies – Macroeconomics: Business cycles – Money and banking – Unemployment & inflation – Interest rate determination and various types of interest rates.
Indian Economy with an Overview of the Indian economy will talk about recent reforms; Interaction between fiscal, monetary & exchange rate policies in India, and Financial Markets like Money Market, Capital Market, Foreign Exchange Market – globalization and its impact – Challenges ahead – Banking & Finance – current issues, etc
b. Business Mathematics You will learn the concept of Time Value of Money – Net Present Value (NPV) – Discounted Cash Flow – some Sampling methods – how to present data – analysis and interpretation of sample data – hypothesis testing, etc
In Time series analysis, you get introduced to mean/ standard deviation – co-relation – Regression – covariance and volatility – A probability distribution – Bond valuation – duration – Confidence interval analysis – estimating parameters of distribution – modified duration.
This unit introduces concepts of Linear programming – decision-making-simulation – Statistical analysis using spreadsheets. Features of Spreadsheet – Macros, pivot table, statistical and mathematical formulas, etc.
c. HRM in Banks It tells you what are the fundamentals of HRM, how HRM developed in India, the Relationship between HRM and HRD, the Structure and functions of HRD, the Role of an HR professional, role and impact of training, career path planning and counseling, employee behavior, theories of motivation and their practical implications, Human implications of organizations; training and development, attitude and soft skills development, role concepts and analysis, self-development., Performance Management and appraisal systems; Reward/ punishment and compensation systems., HRM and Information Technology, information and data management, knowledge management.
d. Credit Management The Principles of Credit Management Credit Appraisal Analyzing Financial Performance – Relationship between items in Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss A/C. Trend Analysis, Comparative & Common Size Statement, Preparation of projected Financial Statements. All about the Ratio analysis – how to Interpret and analyze different Ratios, Limitation of the use of ratios. Statement of Sources and Applications of Funds are discussed in the unit.
You will learn to Structure a Credit Proposal – Working Capital Concept and Management Appraisal techniques for different constituents – trade cycle – credit rating – Debt Service Coverage Ratio – Cash Flow Analysis – Cash Budget – Technical and economic feasibility studies – Credit Rating – Rating Methodology – Objectives and benefits of rating – Term Lending – Documentation – Bill Finance – Deferred Payment Guarantee – Credit Scoring – Credit Delivery System – Post sanction supervision, Control and monitoring of credit – Consortium finance, Multiple banking, Syndication of loans. Infrastructure financing.
This unit explains the method to Deal with credit defaults, Stressed assets, Corporate Debt restructuring, SARFAESI, NPAs, recovery options, write-off. What are the Disclosure requirements of the list of defaulters: objectives and procedure & Appraisal methodology for different types of clients/ products etc


Read Also:- How to Prepare for ABM


You can read the syllabus applicable for CAIIB BFM Paper in December 2022 from the below table:

II. Banking Financial Management a. International Banking This unit discusses what is Forex Business; factors determining exchange rates, spot/ forward rates, Direct and indirect quotations, premium and discount, cross rates.
All the Basics of forex derivatives; forward exchange rate contracts, Options, Swaps. Correspondent banking, NRI accounts will be explained here.
The Documentary letters of Credit – UCPDC 600, various facilities available for exporters and importers; Various Risks in foreign trade, the role of ECGC, insurance and guarantee cover types or ECGC; Role of Exim Bank  & of RBI and exchange control – regulations in India, Role, and rules of FEDAI – Role of FEMA and its rules, etc are covered here.
b. Risk Management Concept of Risk– what are the various Risk in Banks – Risk Management Framework – Organizational Structure – Risk Identification – Risk Measurement/Sensitivity – Basis Point Value (BPV) – Downside Potential – Value at Risk, Back Testing, Stress Testing; Risk Monitoring and Control – Risk Reporting – – rating methodology, risk weights, eligible collateral for mitigation, guarantees, Market Risk identification, Measurement and management/credit risk;  credit ratings, transition matrices, default probabilities, Credit risk spreads, risk migration, and credit metrics, Counterparty risk. Credit exposures, recovery rates, risk mitigation techniques, Operational and Integrated Risk Management – Risk and capital Management – ‘Basel Norms- Current guidelines on risk management are all the topics that will be provided here.


c. Treasury Management All its Concepts and functions; instruments dealt in the treasury market, development of new financial products, control and supervision of treasury management, what’s the linkage of domestic operations with foreign operations are discussed.
What is Interest rate risk, interest rate futures, Mix/ Pricing of Assets, Liabilities – On-Balance Sheet Investment and Funding Strategies – Stock options, bond portfolio strategy, debt instruments, risk control, and hedging instruments. Investments – Treasury bills, money market instruments such as CDs, CPs, IBPs Securitisation, and Forfaiting; refinance and rediscounting facilities.
Derivatives & what are Credit Default Swaps/ Options focused on in this unit.
d. Balance Sheet Management This unit centers upon Prudential norms like Capital Adequacy; Implementation of ‘Basel Norm’s guidelines: RBI guidelines; Banks Balance Sheet – its Components of assets/ Liabilities; ALM Implementation – RBI’s Guidelines – Gap Analysis – Mechanics, Assumptions, and Limitations – Illustrations of Actual Gap Reports – The Relationship b/w Gap & Income Statement; Funding Liquidity
It explains what is Trading/ Managing Liquidity; Contingency Funding; Business Strategies: Profit and profitability analysis, Asset Classification – provisioning – effect of NPA on profitability, Shareholder value maximization & EVA- profit planning-measures to improve profitability & some Disclosure guidelines.




You can read the syllabus applicable for all the CAIIB ELECTIVE Papers in December 2024 from the below table:

1. Central Banking a. Rationale and Functions of Central Bank You will know the Evolution (Theory and Practice) CBI has gone through and some of its Functions and Development of Central Banks in Developed and Developing countries.
Different Functions of a Central Bank like being a Banker to Government & Banks, Monetary policy Functions, Currency Issue and Management, Payment system function, Regulation, Maintaining Internal and External values of currency, Facilitation, and supervision of Financial System, Promotional Functions, Development of Financial Markets, Institutions and communication policies, etc form part of this section.
The discussion on Contemporary Issues e.g., Desirability, Autonomy, and independence, Credibility, accountability, and transparency of a Central Bank and conflict with fiscal policies can be read here.
b. Central Banking in India RBI’s Organizational evolution, Constitution and Governance, Major organizational and Functional Developments over time, Recent Developments, RBI Act are some of the things in this unit.
Specific Issues of India including Banking Regulation Act, FEMA, Financial Sector reforms, Banking Ombudsman Scheme, other financial regulators and division of functions as well as Institutions set up by RBI; NABARD, IDBI, DFHI, IRBI, UTI form this unit.
Glossary of Central Banking Terms.
c. Monetary and Credit Policies Monetary Policy talks of its Objectives, reconciling dual objectives, The Taylor Rule, Indicators of Policy, instruments of policy (Bank Rate, Open market operation, Cash Reserve Ratio, Statutory Liquidity Ration, etc.), policy Transmission mechanism and channels, transparency of policies, what are the Lags in the policy.
Credit Policy focuses on its Objectives, Theory & Practice, Instruments.
Fiscal Policy’s Overview contains the Importance of Budgets, Union Budget, State Budget, Finances of Union and State Governments, Finance Commission.
You will see the Striking balance b/w inflation & growth through monetary and fiscal policies.
d. Supervision and Financial Stability Indian Financial System, what are its Market’s Constituents and how they are Regulated & how it has evolved & supervised.
Concepts covering Financial Stability are placed in this section like Financial Development Vs Financial stability, Risks to Financial stability, some Early warning signals, and remedial actions, Liquidity and Risk Management in Banks, Basel & Prudential Norms, Role of Supervisor under Basel Norms, Effect of liberalization and Globalization on Financial Stability, Linkage to International Financial Stability, International standards and codes.
2. Rural Banking a. Rural India Demographic features like Population, occupation, literacy, socio-economic development indicators, health, nutrition and education, urban migration are placed here.
Characteristics of Rural Society like Caste and power structure, rural social stratification, its Economic Features i.e Economic life, share in National income, Trends in per capita income, rural money markets, rural indebtedness, rural poverty – its main causes and methods of measuring the same.
Rural infrastructure as in Transport, Power, Markets and other services are covered here.
Agriculture Economy includes its Structure and characteristics of Indian agriculture, its Role of agriculture in economic development, agriculture-industry linkages, latest Resources and technical changes in agriculture, constraints to agriculture development, some of the Emerging issues in Indian Agriculture are placed here.
This unit contains Rural Development Policy including the Govt. policies and programs for rural farm and non-farm sectors & Economic reforms and their impact on the rural economy.
It talks about the Rural Issues related to Development, Management, Marketing, and Pricing.
b. Financing Rural Development The unit covers Services like Regulation of Rural Financial; Function and policies of RBI in Rural Banking, NABARD Main functions, role, refinance support, and some topics of Lead bank approach, State level, and District Level Credit committees, etc.
Different institutions involved in the development of Rural Areas like Rural Credit Institutions; Land Development Banks, Co-operative Credit Societies and Banks, Regional Rural Banks, Commercial Banks, etc. are put in here & as well as the Role of Information and communication technologies in rural Banking-Models, Financial inclusion & inclusive growth for rural development banking, rural insurance micro-insurance scheme, the concept of Business Facilitators and Business Correspondents in rural financing, etc.
You will get to know more about Financing agriculture and its allied activities; Crop Loans Assessment, Sanction, Disbursement, replacement; Term loans for irrigation, farm mechanization, Godowns/cold-storage facilities, etc. Financing allied agriculture activities like social forestry, Horticulture, Fisheries, etc. Finance against Warehouse/ cold storage receipts etc.
Financing Rural Non-Farm Sector (RNFS); their Importance, their Segments and Role of Development and Promotional Institutions in RNFS can be read here.
Different concepts like SME Finance, its Definition & its Importance to Indian economy; Financing of SME and small enterprise Refinance from SIDBI; Project funding techniques and requirement assessment; Cluster-based approach and joint finance with SIDBI; Risk rating of SME proposals, the role of rating agencies and rating methodology; MSMED Act 2006, Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises, Working capital assessment of SMEs; Revival of sick units; revival package and implementation, Stressed assets under rehabilitation. Debt restructuring mechanisms for SMEs etc are discussed here.
c. Priority Sector Financing & Government Initiatives It contains Components of the priority sector & RBI guidelines.
Government initiatives in relation to Poverty alleviation programs/ Employment programs/ Production oriented programs- the rationale and philosophy behind the same, progress and impact, problems, and deficiencies are some things you will know through this unit.
Rural housing and Urban housing schemes under priority sector, they are refinancing, educational loans available in Rural sector are available here.
d. Problems and Prospectus in Rural Banking The first unit talks of the Role of rural banking, the Problems faced by Rural branches of Commercial banks – transaction costs and risk costs.
You get to know of the Emerging trends in rural banking, Micro Credit, Self Help Groups/ NGOs, financing poor as a bankable opportunity, linkages with banking, latest guidelines of GOI and RBI.



Important Topic:- IIBF CAIIB EXAM DATE 2024

3. Retail Banking a. Introduction You get introduced to the History and definition of Retail Banking, its role within the bank operations, the Applicability of various retailing concepts, the distinction between Retail and Corporate and Wholesale Banking, etc.
b. Retail Products Retail Products Overview contains Customer requirements, Products development process, Liabilities and Assets Products/ Description of Liability products, Description of Asset Products, the Approval process for retail loans and Credit scoring topics, etc.
Important Asset Products including Home Loans – their Eligibility, Purpose, Amounts, Margin, Prepayment issues, Security, Disbursement, Moratorium and Repayments/ Collection.
This unit talks about Auto/Vehicle Loans their Eligibility, Purpose, Amounts, Margin, Security, Disbursement, Moratorium, Prepayment issues, Repayments/ Collection.
It contains all the Eligibility, Purpose, Amounts, Security, Disbursement, Moratorium, Prepayment issues, Repayments/ Collection of Personal Loans.
Educational Loan’s Eligibility, Purpose, Amounts, Security, Disbursement, Moratorium, Prepayment issues, Repayments, etc form the part of this unit.
You will get all the details of Credit/Debit Cards – Credit vs. Debit Cards, their Eligibility, Purpose, Amounts, Margin, Security, Process of using the cards, Billing Cycle, Credit Points, etc.
This unit covers residual topics of some other Products/ Remittances/ Funds Transfer
c.  Marketing/ Selling of retail products, MIS and Accounting Retail Strategies as Tie-ups with Institutions for Personal loans/ Credit cards/Educational loans, with OEMs/Authorized Dealers for Auto/ Vehicle loans, and with Builders/Developers for Home loans are explained here.
Delivery Channels like Branches, Extension counters, ATMs, POS, Internet Banking, M-Banking are detailed in the unit.
You will read about the Selling Process in retail products & how Direct Selling Agents works.
CRM (Customer Relationship Management), its Role and impact, and Stages are discussed here.
Regulations and compliance relating to Technology for Retail Banking – Static information, Account opening, basic loan origination data, etc. & process of Updating of information like income details at what frequencies, Transaction information from disbursement till final settlement of the loan amount, and Analytics/ Alerts form part of this section
Accounting entries relating to the Loan process including EMI Computation will be explained.
d. Other Issues Related to Retail Banking This unit talks about Securitization & mortgage-based securities, current Trends in retailing, new products like Insurance, Demat services, online/ Phone Banking, Property services, Investment advisory/ Wealth management, Reverse Mortgage, and Growth of e-banking, Cross-selling opportunities, etc.
Recovery of Retail Loans as well as Defaults, Rescheduling, recovery process; SARAFAESI Act, DRT Act, use of Lok Adalat forum for the same; Recovery Agents and RBI guidelines related to it are detailed in this unit.
Topics relating to Digital Banking Products, Cards, EMV Technology, ATM, Cash Deposit Machines, etc will be covered here.



4. Human Resource Management a. Human Resource Management Concepts in this unit relation to Policies and Practices of HRM; Importance of Human Capital, Management of transformation, new insights into HR Management and contemporary issues, Relationship b/w HRM and HRD; Structure and Functions, Role of HRD professional, Development of HRM in India, etc. are discussed in detail.
This unit tries to explain Behavioral Dynamics in organizations; Person-job (PJ) fit, Group Dynamics, Group Problem Solving and effectiveness, Leadership and Teambuilding, Change Management, Human Response – Implications of benchmarking; Total Quality Management, ISO 9000 Series, Business Process Re-engineering, and other techniques for Organizational improvement and Management of Service Industry; Quality Circles. Six Sigma and its implication in organizational development etc.
Organizational Change and Development; Responsibility Charting, Conditions for Optimal Success and Role of Change Agent and Managing Change, etc. will be read here.
HRM in Banks includes the topics like Traditional Role of HRD in Banks, Expectations from the HR Department, Conflict of new initiatives with work culture and capacity, Major HRM challenges Banks face, Core Banking and HR challenges, etc.
Knowledge management in Banks, Need for Knowledge Management Officer, his Role in the Banks, HRM and IT, Information and Database Management, Preparation and updation of Manuals and job cards, Linkage with Educational Institutions.
b. Building an HR Strategy You will read how is Strategy Formulation and implementation done; the Need for a distinctive HR strategy; a connecting strategy to the organization, aligning HR Systems with decision framework, Relationship b/w Sustainable strategic success and performance of the organization, and Execution of strategy & who are the personnel involved in it like CEO, Executive Team, and line Managers, Succession Planning, HRD Audit, Effectiveness of HRD, Best HR practices in banks.
This unit tries to further explain what is Organizational Communication; what are the Barriers to Communication and the Steps for effective communication there are.
Manpower Planning; their Recruitment, Selection, Placement and Promotion and Recruitment Vs Outsourcing: Concept and Feasibility of Outsourcing, advantages, disadvantages, and constraints, Compensation; incentive system linked to productivity, dealing with attrition are detailed in here.
Performance Management and Appraisal Systems: Performance Appraisal System, Role of PAS, Emerging Trends, 360-degree performance Appraisal, Appraisal Vs Feedback, Competency Mapping, Key Performance Areas (KPA) are placed in this unit.
c. Motivation, Training and Skill Development Human implications of Organizations that include Learning and instructions, Theories of Motivation and their practical implications, Motivational Strategies, Learning Processes, Employee Behavior, Reward and Incentive schemes, job enrichment, job rotation & Employee Development strategies and Techniques, etc form the part of this unit.
Training and Development including Attitude development, its Role, and impact, Career Path Planning and Counseling, changing face of Banking, Identification of Training Needs, etc are contained in this section.
Training Methodology and related subject matters of Training, Training infrastructure in Banks, outsourcing, On – the job training, Management of conflict b/w Training and operations due to manpower constraints, Development of soft skills and communications are some of the few topics that you will read. Developing competencies through e-learning, virtual learning, and self-directed learning; Training measurement, and impact are also covered.
d. Personnel Management and Industrial Relations Legal aspects of personnel functions, trade unionism, and Industrial Relations; Collective Bargaining Concepts, Industrial Relations and Negotiations in the Indian Banking Industry; Bipartite Settlements in Banking, Employee Welfare; Policies & Schemes form this unit.
Grievance Redressal and Discipline, its Mechanism and Processes and including Domestic Enquiry, Role of Management and Functions, need for a vigilance Dept. in Banks, Diversity and Gender Issues, Frauds in Banks, Risks attached to Delegation of Financial Powers; Conflict Management and Resolution, Precautions and Controls, How to Deal with the cases of Sexual harassment, etc are placed here.
It includes Workers’ Participation in Management & Experience of Employee Participation in the Indian banking industry.


Read Also:- IIBF CAIIB EXAM Admit Card 2022

5. Information Technology a. Introduction to Information Technology The first unit introduces you to the Impact of IT on Banking: Changing Financial Environment and IT as a Strategic Response Hardware – Software
System Software like Operating Systems (Desktop OS/ Server OS) Windows (Desktop/ Server) & UNIX (H. P. Unix, Sun Solaris, Linux, IBM AIX), etc are the main focus.
Computer Languages i.e., 1st Generation Languages (Assembly), 2nd Generation (FORTRAN, ALGOL, COBOL), 3rd Generation (C, C++, C# and JAVA, etc.) and 4th Generation Languages (Clipper, Power Builder, SQL, etc.) and 5th Generation Languages (Logic Programming Languages), etc are discussed in this unit.
Database Management System and Relational Database Management Systems e.g. Oracle10g, MS SQL-2005, MySQL form part of this unit.
This unit covers Application Servers like Oracle 10AS, BeWeblogic, WebShare, Web Servers like IIS, Apache, etc. & Web Browsers like IE 7.0, Firefox, etc. 
You will read the kinds of Application Software: Packaged Software, Custom-built Software, etc. Computer Networks.
The various topics relating to Equipment & Data Communication like Computer Networks, Network Layers, Topologies, Protocols, IP Address Mechanisms, Local Area Network, Wide Area Network, VLAN, Intranet, Internet, Extranet, Network Equipment: Cables (BNC, Twisted Pair, Fibre Optics), Connectors, I/O’s, Patch Panel, Jack Panels, Network Racks, etc are placed in this unit.
Information about Data Communication: CLL, Leased Lines, MPLS, Virtual Private Networks, ISDN, Satellite Links, Network/ Security Equipment: Modems, Hubs, Switches, Bridges, Routers, Wi-Fi, Wi-Max., Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems i.e. NIDS, HIDS, IPS, etc.
b. Systems and Design This unit relating to Systems Design & Analysis Data modeling talks about Entity Relationships, Generic Data Modeling, Semantic Data Modeling Normalization (from 1st to 3rd and BCNF, 4th & 5th level of normalization), etc.
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) & its various phases, In-house/ Out-sourcing, Software Project Management, Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Tools are what you see in this unit. It also includes System Architecture: Clients (Hardware/ Software), Servers (Hardware/ Software), Architecture types like Client Server, 3 Tier, and N-Tier, etc.
Data Warehousing – Data Mining tools
MIS and Organization Support Systems – DSS or Decision Support System, Executive Information Systems, GDSS, Groupware, and Multimedia Business Intelligence – Expert Systems, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) Grid Computing, Virtualization, and Consolidation are some of the systems seen in this section.
c. Applications in Banking The unit concentrates on Centralized Banking System/Core Banking System/ System Administration, Database Administration, Network Administration, Domains, ISPS, Hosting, Data Downloads/Uploads, Application Server and Application Administration, Bandwidths, Data Centre, Data Storage Devices, Data Backups/ Restoration, Disaster Recovery Centre, etc.
Delivery Channels like ATM, Electronic Funds Transfer at Point Of Sale, Phone Banking, Internet Banking, SMS Banking, Mobile Banking, Credit/ Debit Cards, Smart Cards, etc are detailed here.
E-Mails, SMS alerts
This unit introduces the concept of E-Commerce – Secure Electronic Transfer (SET), Payment Gateways (Credit card/ Debit cards), Authentication of payments, etc.
PKI or Public key infrastructure that covers CCA (Controller of Certifying Authorities), CA (Certifying Authority), RA (Registration Authority), Digital Certificate, Digital Signature, Non-repudiation of Origin, Non- repudiation of Receipt is centered in this unit.
Service – Level Agreement
d. Security Control and Guidelines This unit talks about Threats to Information systems: Physical (Insiders/ outsiders) as well as Viruses, Worms, Trojan horses, Malware, Software bombs, Phishing, Spoofing, Spamming, denial of service attacks, etc.
Information System Security Measures, Policy, controls, ISO, 17799, BS7799, IS4477, Basel guidelines for E-banking, Various RBI Committee Reports on Information Systems, IS Audit, BCP/ DRP, IT Act 2000 are the topics dealt in here.
IT Service Delivery & Support is focused on Service level management practices & Operations management which includes workload scheduling, network services management, Preventive maintenance, Systems performance monitoring process tools, techniques, Functionality of hardware, software, database, etc. Drafting of RFP, system specifications, SLAs, Capacity planning & monitoring, Change management processes/ scheduled, emergency in the configuration of production systems, application of patches, releases, etc., Incident & problem management practices, System resiliency tools and techniques – fault tolerance, elimination of single point of failure, clustering also are part of it.



6. Risk Management a. An Overview This unit explains definitions/ policies in relation to Risk, Risk Process-Risk Organization, what are Key risks are – Credit risk, market risk, operational risk, liquidity risk, legal risk, interest rate risk, and currency risk, etc.
Asset Liability Management further takes you to Concepts like ALM, ALM organization, ALCO techniques/ tools, Duration analysis, Simulation, Gap, Linear, and other statistical methods of control. 
Risk measurement & Control talks about the Calculation, Risk exposure analysis, Risk-adjusted return on capital, Capital adequacy norms, Risk management/ mitigation policy, Risk immunization policy/ strategy for fixing exposure limits, Risk management policy, and procedure, etc.
Risk management contains concepts like norms regarding Capital adequacy, Prudence, Exposure; Concept of Mid office, Forwards, Futures, Options, Strategies, and Arbitrage opportunities, Regulatory prescriptions of risk management.
b. Credit Risk Management Credit Risk Management: Introduce you to concepts like Basel Norms, Three pillars of Basel and Capital for Operational Risk, Risk rating and risk pricing, Methods for estimating capital requirements, Methods for estimating capital requirements, Framework for risk management, RBI guidelines on risk management, Credit risk – standardized approach, Credit risk – advanced approach, Credit rating/ credit scoring and rating system design, Credit Bureaus, Stress test, and sensitivity analysis, Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP), Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process; Introduction to structured products.
c. Operational Banking Operational Risk Introduces Basel Norms, RBI guidelines, Likely forms of operational risk and causes for a significant increase in operational risk, Sound Principles of Operational Risk Management – organizational setup and key responsibilities of ORM, SPOR – policy requirements and strategic approach for ORM, SPOR identification, measurement, control/ mitigation of operational risks, SPOR identification, measurement, how to control/mitigation of operational risks, the Capital allocation for operational risk, methodology, qualifying criteria for banks for the adoption of the methods, Computation of capital charge for operational risk, etc.
d. Market Risk Market risk introduces and defines different terms & the Prescriptions of Basel Norms, Liquidity & Interest rate risk, foreign exchange & Price risk (Equity, Commodity risk, Treatment of market risk under Basel, Standardized duration method & Internal measurement approach – VaR)
e. Risk Organization and Policy This unit is focused on Risk Organization and Policies like Risk Management Policy, Interlinkages to – Treasury, Credit, ALCO, etc.


Most Important Topic:- How to Clear CAIIB in One Attempt ??

IIBF also advises the candidates to visit websites of  RBI (, SEBI (, BIS (, IRDAI (, FEDAI (, etc to keep yourself updated with the various information moving around because questions regarding the recent developments may also be asked in the CAIIB EXAM.


We, Learning Sessions, offer the Best Study Material for CAIIB 2024 of all the subjects (Advanced Bank Management (ABM), Bank Financial Management (BFM) & Elective papers of (Retail [including Digital Banking]/Information Technology) for CAIIB EXAM nov / dec 2024 which includes: 

  • Full video course of CAIIB (chapter-wise)
  • English + Hindi Language
    • 110+ latest and updated CASE STUDY VIDEOS (of all 3 papers of CAIIB)
    • 5000+ Questions
    • Memory Recalled Questions
  • Tests for CAIIB JUNE 2022: 
  • Chapter-wise Tests
  • Mock Test Papers
  • Compete Tests
  • CAIIB Study pdf Notes (assessable through our android & iOS app only)

For the CAIIB EXAM 2024, we have included the previous year’s papers of CAIIB in our LATEST CAIIB STUDY MATERIAL for 2024 JUNE EXAM



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The study Material of CAIIB 2022 is tutored by Mr. Ashish Jain, who is an ex-banker with 7 years of experience in the Credit Department. He has delivered 900+ hours of online classes and has rendered services to 1,25,000+ candidates so far.

He has prepared and delivered classes in JAIIB, CAIIB, Information Technology, Digital Banking, Prevention of Cyber Crime & Fraud Management, Risk Management, Treasury Management, KYC/ AML, MSME, and much more.

With his vast expertise in the banking field and is trusted by more than a lack of candidates, he believes in making his teaching- the best and quality experience for his students and that too at the most affordable price.

Those, looking for the BANK PROMOTIONS 2022 (All Banks [also for RRB’s]), can visit our website to get details on the course by clicking on the link here:- BANK PROMOTION STUDY MATERIAL 



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