
Clear MAY JAIIB Exam 2024 in Single Attempt in 15 Days

Clear MAY JAIIB Exam 2024 in Single Attempt in 15 Days

Now you can clear the JAIIB 2024 Exam in one attempt and that is for sure. We here at Learning Sessions have created a platform so that it could be easier for you to cover all the important study material questions, previous year or memory recalled questions of all the four papers of JAIIB which are Indian Economy & Indian Financial System (IE&IFS), Principles & Practices of Banking (PPB), Accounting & Financial Management for Bankers (AFM) & Retail Banking & Wealth Management (RBWM).

We also provide a full chapter-wise video course which includes 50 hours+ of videos of the JAIIB exam. So if you go through this video study material and our question series then we assure you that you can clear all the papers of JAIIB in one attempt for sure.

📚 JAIIB Study Resources 📚

🎥 Full Course Videos in Hindi-English
👉 Check Here

📝 JAIIB PPB Short Notes (Part 1)
👉 Check Here

📖 JAIIB Exam Free Study Material
👉 Check Here

📄 JAIIB Study Material PDF Notes 2025
👉 Get Tests Here

🔍 How to Prepare for PPB
👉 Check Here

Read Also:- JAIIB May 2023 Online Crash course

JAIIB MAY 2024 – Is AFM Really Difficult!?!

Many of the students find paper 2 which is AFMAccounting & Financial Management for Bankers difficult but you need not worry about this. Our finest study material of Jaiib will help you a lot to learn accounting (AFM) in a very short time.

Retail Banking & Wealth Management Paper – A Conceptual One

RBWM – 4th paper of JAIIB is Retail Banking & Wealth Management is conceptual and covers Introduction to Retail Banking, Retail Products and Recovery, Support Services – Marketing of Banking Services / Products, and Wealth Management.

So, we have covered all the important sections and acts so that you could understand them. Moreover, we have covered many of the case studies in the form of questions which will make it easier for you to understand the concepts very easily. Also, we have covered all the new topics of legal banking in our study material.

Important Topic:- Benefits of Passing JAIIB

MAY PPB 2024 Exam – Is this the Easiest?

The principles and practices of banking(PPB) exam are sought to be the easiest in the JAIIB. But don’t take it lightly as the questions from the principles and practice exams these days are more or less tricky. But our team at learning sessions has put the best of their efforts to make it easier to understand all the concepts of principles and practices of Banking through case studies, examples, and previous year memory recalled questions.

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This being the newest paper of the JAIIB 2023 Syllabus is full of theoretical concepts & knowledge. Not only, some of you will find this paper lengthy but also a bit boring. You have got to find someone who teaches this new JAIIB paper in an interesting & non-boring way.


What is extra – that will lead to success in JAIIB?

Often, you would have found questioning yourself – Is there something extra that you need to do to get the Certificate of Junior Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers?

Well, other than covering the syllabus of the respective subjects i.e. Principles & Practices of Banking, Accounting & Financial Management for Bankers, Accounting & Financial Management for Bankers (AFM), and Retail Banking & Wealth Management (RBWM), you need to have a preparation strategy.

IIBF Crash Course Hindi
IIBF Crash Course Hindi


This strategy has to move around the questions such as:

  1. What is going to be your thorough study schedule?
  2. What is your JAIIB Exact Syllabus & from where you are going to take classes or study material to prepare the prescribed Syllabus?
  3. Are you going to refer to the Latest Study Material or going to prepare by referring to old & outdated JAIIB books?
  4. Are you going to practice the syllabus? How? Will you be taking the proper JAIIB mock tests or will you just be revising the syllabus only?
  5. Will you be setting aside some time for revising the JAIIB Syllabus 2023 or just going to take the classes once & write the exam?
  6. How many attempts are you ready to devote to clear the JAIIB exams?

We sincerely hope that you would have understood just from the above Questions that it’s important that you must have the answer or solution to the above questions for yourself.

We can help you in getting the answers to the above questions, although we do not get the whole answers we can direct you in the direction you need to go for their answers.


1. Study schedule:

  • Make it as per how much time you can spare from your daily schedule.
  • Divide the available time for all the subjects as per your perception of the easy, medium & hard exams.
  • Follow it rigidly, well, except for emergencies

2 . JAIIB Exact Syllabus & Study Material 2024

  • Know your syllabus, the topics you already have an understanding of, the topics which you haven’t read in your life yet & the ones which you have read somewhere once or just know of.
  • It will help you answer which subject of JAIIB is easy, medium & hard. And you will also be able to make a study schedule accordingly.
  • Then look for the Study materials from which you will be learning the concepts of each of the subjects i.e. Accounting & Finance for Bankers, Principles & Practices of Banking, and Legal & Regulatory Aspects of Banking.

3 . Latest Study Material

  • You must understand that the key to success is the Latest & update Study material. After all, nobody expects that one would answer right from reading old & outdated Study material. (Learning Sessions have all the materials updated as per the latest syllabus)

4. Practice

You have the option of preparing from your:

      • class notes
      • Mock Tests
      • Online free material (time-consuming)

You can choose any/all as per your ability to cope with the different materials in your regular schedule.


5. Revision

Examine the options that you have for revising the JAIIB syllabus. Re-watching the lectures or going through your class notes. Select what works best for you.

6. How many Attempts

It would be the most straightforward question that you will be answering yourself. And the answer will entirely depend on your preparation. We hope you answer wisely!

Now, that is all that you need to work on before you begin with the JAIIB preparation for 2023. You can find us at the below contact for any details related to your JAIIB Preparation queries & someone will guide you through them.

Moving on, JAIIB Candidates certainly ask us:

How are Previous Year Questions Covered?

The memory-recalled questions of all four papers of JAIIB are covered in the form of mock tests. So go through these mock tests carefully and bookmark the important questions of papers. If you have any doubts you can contact us anytime, the contact details are mentioned in the footer.

In the end, we wish you the very best of luck for the Upcoming exam on Indian Economy & Indian Financial System (IE&IFS), Principles & Practices of Banking (PPB), Accounting & Financial Management for Bankers (AFM), and Retail Banking & Wealth Management (RBWM).

We hope we may provide you’re the best study material for the JAIIB paper in the industry.


You can reach us for any query related to Study materials/video classes as well as offers on JAIIB, CAIIB or other IIBF Certification Exams or Bank Promotion Exams on our Whatsapp No.: 8360944207

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We wish you the best for your Exams!

Team: Learning Sessions

  1. […] Get JAIIB Study Material PDF files by Learning Sessions and as shared by other users to us in recent times  containing JAIIB Mock Tests and Study Notes. These are complete JAIIB study notes on all 3 exams of JAIIB. For more jaiib study materials and study course which includes 3000+ previous year memory recalled questions, 100+ Videos and 300+ Mock Tests on JAIIB. Visit the link below of Learning Sessions. […]

  2. […] Get JAIIB Study Material PDF files by Learning Sessions and as shared by other users to us in recent times  containing JAIIB Mock Tests and Study Notes. These are complete JAIIB study notes on all 3 exams of JAIIB. For more jaiib study materials and study course which includes 4500+ chapterwise previous year memory recalled questions, 100+ Videos and 150+ Mock Tests on JAIIB. Visit the link below of Learning Sessions. […]


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